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BUS 1000 - Introduction to Business

An introduction to the managerial process and the functioning of business. This course integrates findings of the behavioral sciences with classical, quantitative systems, and other approaches to business.

Credit: 3

BUS 1040 - International Travel and Tourism

This course is designed to introduce students to the tourism and hospitality industry by examining the infrastructure, service, and marketing in these industries. The course focuses on the interdependence of hotels/resorts, food and beverage establishments, attractions, casinos, meetings and conventions. Examples from Hawai‘i and international destinations are used in class.

Credit: 3

BUS 1500 - Statistical Techniques in Business

Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MATH 1105 or MATH 1115 or MATH 1130, or MATH 1140 or MATH 1150 or a score of 570+ in SAT Mathematics or a score of 24+ in ACT Mathematics or an appropriate score on the placement test.

This course provides students majoring in management, marketing, finance, accounting, economics, and other fields of business administration with an introductory survey of the many applications of descriptive and inferential statistics. The focus is on business applications that are used to solve business problems. Topics include data exploration, probability distributions, confidence internal, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, correlation and regressions analysis, nonparametric methods, and statistical process control and quality management. Use of computer tools for carrying out statistical analysis is also a major emphasis.

Credit: 3

BUS 2500 - Mathematics for Business

Prerequisites: MATH 1123

This course is designed for business and economic students. It enables students to learn and apply mathematics skills to a business setting. Topics included review of basic algebra, linear and nonlinear equations, set theory and mathematic proofs, functions of one and many variables, differentiation, single and multivariate optimization, constrained optimization, financial mathematics, linear programing, and business forecasting. Students will not only know the mathematics of these concepts but also be able to apply the concepts to solve business problems and make sound business decisions.

Credit: 3

BUS 3801 - Sports and Coaching Administration

Prerequisite: A grade of C- or better in any WC&IL II course or HON 1000

The sports industry is expected to exceed $100 billion in the world. Interest in sports starts at a young age and continues through high school, college, professional, and recreational levels. This course provides those students who are interested in sports management with the opportunity to view sports from the perspective of a sports administrator and/or coach. The course requires an interview with a local coach to gain direct knowledge of the administrative responsibilities. Topics will include current issues in the sports industry.

Credit: 3

BUS 3910 - Special Topics in Business

Course may be repeated if topic differs.

This is a special topics course in Business that contains subject matter or content intended to address specialized issues that are contemporary within the Business field of study.

Credit: 1 to 3

BUS 5001 - MBA: Ho’omākaukau

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Ho‘omākaukau, in the Hawaiian language, translates to “to prepare; make ready.” This course welcomes students to the MBA program and must be completed before students can register for their second term. It introduces the program learning outcomes and contains critical prerequisite knowledge and concepts that are required for core courses and information related to expectations for graduate students.

Credit: 0 to 1

BUS 6000 - Seminar Series in Business

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

This is a seminar course for College of Business speaker series that contains subject matter or content intended to address specialized issues that are contemporary within the general business field of study.

Credit: 0

BUS 6910 - Special Topics in the MBA Program

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

This is a special topics course in the MBA Program that contains subject matter or content intended to address specialized issues that are contemporary within the MBA Program field of study.

Credit: 1 to 3

BUS 7999 - MBA: A Hui Hou

Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

A hui hou, in the Hawaiian language, translates to “until we meet again.” This course forms the completion of the MBA program. It summarizes the program learning outcomes and important concepts and assesses whether students have mastered them. The course also provides career advice and sets students up to be successful in their profession.

Credit: 0 to 1