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THEA 1000 - Introduction to Theatre

A comprehensive survey course of all aspects of theater including plays, playwrights from significant eras in Western and Eastern drama, the changing roles of theatre in society, the importance and role of the audience, and the collaborative process involved in transforming the play into a staged production.

Credit: 3

THEA 1400 - Introduction to Technical Theatre

Students analyze and participate in the process of converting a play into a performance. Theoretical and practical examinations of all elements of stage production are explored and will be applied to the current HPU stage productions. Students are exposed to the basics of script analysis, directing, set and prop design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, acting, and stage managing.

Credit: 3

THEA 2000 - Theatre Laboratory

Students earn one or two credits by participating in one or more aspects of the current stage production which includes acting (only if they audition and are cast), production crew members, box office, publicity, lighting, costumes, props, etc. To earn two credits, a student must put in a minimum of 30 hours. To earn one credit, a student must put in a minimum of 15 hours.

Repeatable for up to 4 credits.

Credit: 1 to 2

THEA 2320 - Acting I: Basic Acting for Stage and Screen

A course that explores the theory and techniques of acting, with special focus on freeing the imagination and strengthening concentration and observation. This is done through theatre games and exercises, pantomimes, improvisation, short dialogue scenes, and monologues.

Credit: 3

THEA 3500 - Applied Technical Theatre

Prerequisite: THEA 1400.

A continuation of production work on current HPU theatre offering with increased responsibilities to the overall production.

Credit: 3

THEA 3520 - Acting II: Advanced Acting

Prerequisite: THEA 2320 or professor’s consent.

Students build on acting and performance skills acquired in Theatre 2320: Acting I. Work includes monologues, scene work, improvisation, and techniques for character creation and development.

Credit: 3

THEA 3600 - Advanced Technical Theatre

Prerequisite: THEA 3500.

Advanced training in theatre production, preparing students for employment in theatre marketing, theatre management, and theatre production.

Credit: 3

THEA 3620 - Directing

Prerequisite: THEA 3520 or 3500 or consent of instructor.

Understanding and discovering theater from the director’s point of view and exploring the director’s approach of the written text, production concepts, casting, rehearsal process, and the entire creative environment that leads to performance. Practical application of the theories and techniques are done through students directing actors in scenes from plays. Repeatable for a total of 6 credits.

Credit: 3

THEA 4900 - Seminar in Theatre

Prerequisite: THEA 3520, 3600, or 3620.

Students complete a series of projects in theatre, which will enrich their professional portfolio. A major project may include a creation and production of a play, implementing their skills and knowledge from acting, production, and directing courses. The student also designs and constructs a professional portfolio.

Credit: 3

THEA 4950 - Theatre Performance

Prerequisite: Any introductory theatre course, or consent of instructor.

This course is for students interested in being involved in the production of a play to be directed by the instructor and to be presented before an audience. The play chosen, created, or developed will depend on the interest and areas of focus of the students in the class. Students who repeat the course will have added responsibilities in the production aspect of the performance.

Credit: 3