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HRD 1000 - Introduction to Human Resource Development      

An introduction to major components of human resource development (HRD). This course investigates the roles of HRD practitioners and develops an understanding of HRD theories, principles, and practices.

Credit: 3

HRD 2000 - Integrated Talent Management

Prerequisite: HRD 1000.

This course will explore the key elements of effective talent management. Topics include best practices in talent acquisition, performance management, learning and development, and succession management.

Credit: 3

HRD 3100 - Principles of Instructional Design

Prerequisite: HRD 1000.

Introduction to the systematic design of instruction. The course covers various elements of instructional design (ID) process, including needs assessment, instructional problems, learner characteristics, task analysis, instructional objectives, content sequencing, instructional strategies, instructional delivery, evaluation instruments, instructional resources (media selection), formative evaluation, project management, and summative evaluation.

Credit: 3

HRD 3110 - Training Methods & Delivery

Prerequisite: HRD 1000.

This course examines the science and practice of training and development (T+D) in the workplace. Topics covered include contemporary issues and trends in T+D, effective T+D methods and delivery approaches for adults in organizations, and program evaluation.

Credit: 3

HRD 3120 - E-Learning and Learning Technologies

Prerequisite: HRD 1000.

This course focuses on the following aspects of corporate training: e-learning, educational technologies, and aligning training to the business goals to maximize learning experience and its impact on employees’ productivity.

Credit: 3

HRD 3300 - Human Resource Development Project Management

Prerequisite: HRD 1000.

This course examines project management in theory and practice and the roles and responsibilities of the project manager. It is designed to broaden your understanding of project management principles and develop skills and knowledge needed to successfully manage HRD projects. It covers the five processes of project management: initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing.

Credit: 3

HRD 3400 - Organizational Staffing

Prerequisite: HRD 2000 or concurrent.

The course will cover theory and practical applications of organizational recruitment, selection, and on-boarding used in staffing organizations ensuring alignment between human resources requirements and employees. External influences such as the labor market and legislation and regulations will also be given attention.

Credit: 3

HRD 4000 - HRD Career Development Capstone

Prerequisite: Advisor approval.

This capstone senior course provides students with a holistic perspective of their personal HRD experiences. As a capstone course, it brings together students’ coursework, knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics in order to demonstrate a broad mastery of learning across the curriculum for further career advancement. Using a career development framework, students will reflect on their experiences and skills in relation to program and personal goals. The course will also require students to evaluate their knowledge, skills, and abilities in relation to employer and professional requirements and needs.

Credit: 3