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ENGE 2000 - Linear Circuits and Systems

Prerequisite: ENGR 1000 and MATH 2214.

Co-Requisite: ENGE 2001.

Linear electrical circuits and systems, with topics including: energy storage and passive circuit elements, dependent and independent sources, circuit analysis techniques, basic operational amplifiers circuit analysis and feedback, impedance, first and second order circuits, phasors, frequency response, Bode plots, Laplace Transfer and Fourier Series, and magnetically coupled circuits. Students will apply circuit theorems to analyze networks with mixed sources, transient and steady state response of circuits, ac circuits with phasor techniques, and the frequency response of a system and will apply Laplace and Fourier methods for circuit analysis.

Credit: 3

ENGE 2001 - Linear Circuits and Systems Laboratory

Co-requisite: ENGE 2000.

Application of basic electrical measurement to circuit elements and configurations. Students will use record-and-display instruments during analogue circuit analysis to determine their characteristics and measurements. Students will communicate their findings in laboratory notebooks and reports.

Credit: 1

ENGE 2004 - Digital Hardware and Microcontrollers

Prerequisite: ENGE 2000.

Co-requisite: ENGE 2005.

Microcontroller design and programming is introduced. Topics include: Karnaugh maps, truth tables, Boolean expressions and combinational logic (gates), sequential logic and machines (state tables, state diagrams, timing diagrams, clock, flip flops, registers, Mealy machine, Moore Machine), and synchronization problems. Students will apply knowledge to design and implement programs to run on a microcontroller.

Credit: 3

ENGE 2005 - Digital Hardware and Microcontrollers Laboratory

Co-requisite: ENGE 2004.

Students will apply principles from ENGE 2004 to design and implement basic programs to run on the microcontroller, providing functions such as for mathematical manipulations and display output.

Credit: 1

ENGE 2006 - Electronics

Prerequisite: ENGE 2000. Co-requisite: ENGE 2007.

Restricted to Electrical Engineering majors.

Students design electronic circuits and apply circuit analysis techniques using several passive and active electronic circuit elements. During the first half of the course, students are introduced to diodes, MOSFET and BJT transistors, small and large signal characteristics, and design of single-stage amplifier circuits. The second half of the course is devoted to topics related to microelectronics, including differential and multistage amplifiers, frequency response, feedback and compensation, filters, and signal generation.

Credit: 3

ENGE 2007 - Electronics Laboratory

Co-requisite: ENGE 2006.

Restricted to Electrical Engineering majors.

Electronic circuits are designed, constructed, and tested through application of circuit analysis techniques using elements such as diodes, transistors (MOSFETs, BJTs), operational amplifiers (inverting and non-inverting configurations) for reporting on circuit behavior, frequency response, and other important characteristics. Lab activities include the design, computer simulation, construction, and analysis of simple and advanced circuits.

Credit: 1 

ENGE 3000 - Signals and Systems

Prerequisite: MATH 2216 and PHYS 2050.

Co-requisite: ENGE 3001.

An introduction to electrical signals, systems, and signal processing technologies are reviewed. Topics include: description and analysis of systems, mathematical representation of signals, sampling, aliasing, discrete and continuous signal representation, conversion and processing strategies, transforms (Laplace, Fourier, z-), Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, spectrum representation. Theory, principles and strategies for problem-solving in signals and systems design will be applied to address real-world challenges. Throughout the course, examples in signal processing are provided both theoretically and in practice with Matlab/Octave, and students will solve related problems with both techniques in class and lab.

Credit: 3

ENGE 3001 - Signals and Systems Lab

Co-requisite: ENGE 3000.

Signal processing techniques for signal filtering will be applied, including discrete and continuous signal representations, conversion and processing strategies, and transforms. Students will apply related principles and solve related problems in Matlab or Octave.

Credit: 1

ENGE 3002 - Microcontroller Applications

Prerequisite: ENGE 2004; Co-requisite: ENGE 3003.

Concepts in digital hardware are extended to more in-depth knowledge of digital computer architecture and microcontrollers. Topics include: digital computer architecture (CPU, RAM, ROM, static and dynamic memory, I/O devices) and organization, binary expressions and coding (instructions, machine and assembly languages, addressing), use of integrated circuits for simple microprocessor design, and serial communications, in conjunction with microcontroller applications for external device control.

Credit: 3

ENGE 3003 - Microcontroller Applications Laboratory

Co-requisite: ENGE 3002.

Students will use digital hardware to interface with a microcontroller and write programs for the microcontroller to control the hardware.

Credit: 1

ENGE 3006 - Electromagnetics

Prerequisite: ENGE 2003 or ENGE 3000.

An introduction to the fundamentals of electromagnetics. Topics include: application of Maxwell’s equations, electromagnetic waves, radiation and diffraction, optical fiber links and components, microwave communications and radar, wireless communications, antennas, polarization, phase matching, sensors, forces, power and energy, wave guidance, resonance, propagation, electromechanics and electrodynamics systems, power generation and transmission, circuit concepts, and coupling.

Credit: 3

ENGE 3007 - Control Systems

Prerequisite: ENGE 3000 and MATH 3305; Co-requisite: ENGE 3008.

Control system modeling and design provides a systems-based approach to analyze the behavior and stability of a system and enhance system performance through application of controller design methods. Topics include: mathematical modeling of physical systems (state space representations), block diagrams, transfer function derivations and manipulations, Laplace transform and frequency domain analysis, steady state and transient response analysis in the time domain, root locus methods, frequency response analysis (Nyquist theorem, bode diagrams), lead and lag compensators, and controller design: P, PI, PID.

Credit: 3

ENGE 3008 - Control Systems Laboratory

Co-requisite: ENGE 3007.

Students will design and implement various types of controllers for DC motor control Applied techniques will result in motor transfer function derivation, time and frequency response analysis, and bode diagram representation and review, toward the design and implementation of P, PI and PID controllers given specified system performance criteria.

Credit: 1

ENGE 4007 - Robotics and Automation

Prerequisite: ENGE 3007.

Students learn how to design robotic systems for applications in automation and heavy industry, including techniques of mathematical modeling, design, control and sensor integration. Topics include: robotics in automations and industrial applications, mathematical modeling and trajectory planning of robotic arm movement, industrial robotics control systems, and sensor integration (ultrasonic, pressure, infrared, heat) for automation and industrial purposes.

Credit: 3

ENGE 4008 - Intelligent Control

Prerequisite: ENGE 3007.

State-of-the-art methods in intelligent control are explored, with focus on fuzzy logic controllers, neural networks, adaptive control techniques, and hybrid models. Students examine and produce a variety of control strategies, including derivation of membership functions, network construction, and system testing for a variety of applications, considering both function and design success criteria.

Credit: 1

ENGE 4009 - Image Processing

Prerequisite: ENGE 3000.

An in-depth study and application of image processing algorithms. Topics include methods related to: image co-registration, pre-processing, region of interest detection, segmentation, feature extraction, classification, decision support systems, supervised and unsupervised methods. Several filtering techniques are examined in the course. Students will work with image datasets throughout the course using Matlab image processing toolbox functions, in addition to modifying existing functions, toward improved algorithm performance. Students will discriminate selection of method based on changes in the dataset as well as different performance criteria.

Credit: 3

ENGE 4010 - Power Systems Analysis and Design

Prerequisite: ENGE 3006 and 3007.

Fundamentals of power systems: their analysis, design and simulation. Topics include introduction to power systems, phasors, single-phase and three-phase circuits, complex power calculations, network equations, balanced circuits, transformers (ideal, equivalent circuits, three-phase connections and phase shift, two- and three- winding transformers), transmission line parameters (resistance, design criteria, inductance, impedances, capacitance), transient and steady-state operation for transmission lines, power flow, fault analysis, symmetrical components, system protection and controls, stability, power sources, and power distribution.

Credit: 3

ENGE 4998 - Special Topics in Sensor Technologies

Prerequisites: ENGE 2006 and 3000.

An examination of state-of-the-art sensor technologies in a range of applications, such as in aerospace, shipping manufacturing, medical, healthcare, and environmental. Large sensor devices in heavy industry are examined, as are micro and nano sensor technologies that are under development in the medical and healthcare sectors. Sensor operation and integration to microcontrollers for purposes of data processing and transmission are evaluated. Students consider a range of sensors and their integration for the purposes of satisfying design criteria, with consideration of processing (algorithm and coding) requirements.

Repeatable for up to 6 credits.

Credit: 3

ENGE 4999 - Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

Prerequisite: Instructor Approval

State-of-the-art in electrical engineering current practice and research is investigated. Topics may include: renewable energy source design and construction, advances in data communications, advances in nanotechnology and electronics, smart devices, advances in systems control such as in building solutions and exploration (aerospace, space), and latest techniques in multimedia signal processing. Topics may change and are at the discretion of the course administrator.

Repeatable for up to 6 credits.

Credit: 3