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Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (BA)


Major Credits Required: 45-53 Credits

The TESOL program at HPU is structured on three types of courses: theoretical, pedagogical, and practical. Theoretical linguistic courses, taught from an applied perspective, help the TESOL student better understand languages in general, and English in particular. Pedagogical courses examine teaching strategies appropriate for diverse contexts. Practicum courses place the future teacher in language classes to observe master teachers, serve with them as assistants, and finally assume class responsibility as solo practice teachers. While the TESOL program focuses on the teaching of English, sound language teaching principles are universal. Thus, program graduates frequently find that their fluency in other languages, combined with their TESOL training, make them excellent candidates for teaching positions in those other languages.

To complete the bachelor's degree, students must complete a minimum total of 120 credits with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.


Students who complete the Bachelor of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) will be prepared to demonstrate A.S.K.:

  1. Attitudes of a professional: They are collegial toward their peers, enthusiastic toward the profession, and thoughtfully reflective about their teaching practices. They display personal, professional, and cultural sensitivity toward their students.

  2. Skills of an effective language teacher: They possess excellent spoken and written English skills. They can critically evaluate ESL or EFL texts, prepare and teach effective lessons, apply sound principles in assessment and feedback, and respond appropriately to student needs in a given class.

  3. Knowledge of the English language, language learning processes, and pedagogical principles: They can base their teaching on knowledge of the English sound system, grammar, and variations in context; the stages and complexities of second language learning; and communicative language.