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SOC 1000 - Introduction to Sociology

This course will give students an introduction into the academic study of society. We will study the interplay between personal traits and characteristics and large-scale factors that are outside of ourselves, such as the rules that govern society. People who are comfortable thinking about the interplay between self and society have a sociological imagination. By employing the sociological imagination, individuals are able to observe events and social structures that influence behavior, attitudes, and culture. This way of thinking can inform contemporary controversies within American society around inequality, social change, gender, race, and power.

Credit: 3

SOC 2000 - Social Problems and Policy

Prerequisite: Any introductory social science/political science course; any WC&IL I course.

A survey of important social problems confronting Americans today, their causes, and solutions. Particular attention is directed toward understanding how and why social problems are created and the controversies surrounding them.

Credit: 3

SOC 2600 - Peace Studies

Peace Studies provides students with an introduction to the dynamics of conflict and peace at the personal, local, national, and international levels. The course surveys interdisciplinary research that analyzes the causes of violence, war, and peace in the contemporary world.

Credit: 3

SOC 3100 - Methods of Inquiry

Prerequisite: A grade of C- or higher in any WC&IL II course; any three social science courses.

An overview of the major methods for seeking and organizing knowledge in the social sciences. Topics include research design, ethics, selection of subjects, and presentation of results.

Credit: 3

SOC 3380 - Cross-Cultural Relations

Prerequisite: Any two social science courses; Any WC&IL II course.

A course that addresses problems of residents of multiethnic societies and immigrants and sojourners in a foreign country. Topics include how characteristics of the individual, group, situation, and host society affect transcultural relations and principles which maximize cross-cultural adjustment, work effectiveness, and successful interaction. Special focus on the immigrant experiences of ethnic groups in Hawai‘i.

Credit: 3