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RE 3000 - Principles and Practice of Real Estate

Prerequisite: Any WC&IL II course.

The study of basic aspects of real estate; definition of land; real estate and real property; types of estates in land; types of ownership; types of conveyances and documents; certain Hawai‘i statutes; physical and economic characteristics; agency; financing; development; investments; appraising; and management.

Credit: 3

RE 3300 - Real Estate Finance

Prerequisite: FIN 3000.

A basic course in real estate finance, focusing on methods, processes, and caveats. Course units include: money markets, interest rates, real estate financing, case illustration demonstrating lending policies; typical problems involved in financing real property; and evaluation of income property investment alternatives.

Credit: 3

RE 3400 - Real Estate Law

Prerequisite: MGMT 3060 and RE 3000.

The study of property and brokerage law and application of these to both personal real property investments and real estate management. Course topics include: property rights and limitations, conveyancing, brokerage operations under state law, and current topics in real estate law.

Credit: 3

RE 3990 - Internship

Prerequisite: At least a 2.7 GPA for undergraduate level.

Internships provide students with applied, experiential learning opportunities so that they can make connections between academic study and the practical application of that study in a professional work environment. Academic internships are supervised by a faculty member and an on-site professional supervisor. All academic internships must be approved in advance by the department or program. Unless stipulated otherwise by the department or program, credit hours are defined by the university's credit hour policy (for example, a 3-credit internship will require a minimum of 120 hours on­site). Internships may be repeated for a total of 9 credit hours.

Repeatable for up to 9 credits.

Credit: 1 to 3

RE 4997 - Directed Readings in Real Estate

Directed readings in real estate.

Credit: 3