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Computer Science (BS)


Major Credits Required: 72-81 Credits

The Computer Science major meets the high standards set forth by the professional organizations ACM (Association for Computing Machinery— and IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers— The range of courses offered includes foundational core courses and advanced, exciting and contemporary elective courses. In the senior capstone project, students apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired throughout the program to address a challenging and relevant software problem. The curriculum is designed to provide students with excellent preparation for high-demand jobs in the growing field of computer science, or to pursue further graduate studies.

A BSCS with a concentration in Cybersecurity offers a focused area of study. The foundation for the concentration is set by courses already part of the major: assembly programming computer architecture, operating systems, data communications, and databases. Additionally, four upper-level electives relevant to the cybersecurity field must be chosen.

To complete the bachelor's degree, students must complete a minimum total of 120 credits with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0.


Students who major in Computer Science will:

  1. Analyze complex computing problems and apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify and recommend solutions.

  2. Design, implement, and evaluate computer-based solutions to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of computing science

  3. Communicate effectively in written and oral format in a variety of professional contexts.

  4. Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.

  5. Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to computing science.

  6. Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions.

  7. Interpret, calculate, analyze, and clearly communicate quantitative information using mathematical, statistical, or symbolic reasoning to solve complex problems.

With the achievement of these outcomes, we expect our students, within a few years of graduation, to be able to:

  • Engage in the productive practice of computer science to solve problems in a range of applications by applying sound principles of theoretical foundations and mathematical bases and communicate these solutions professionally.

  • Adapt to new technologies, tools and methodologies of computer science practice in the profession and in the academic field.

  • Meet or exceed the expectations of their employers and professional mentors as computer science professionals.

  • Utilize their computer science expertise in the work place to advance their careers or pursue advanced academic studies.