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ENGR 1000 - Introduction to Engineering Systems and Professional Practice

Prerequisite: MATH 1105 or higher; or placement into MATH 1130 or higher; or a score of 510+ SAT Mathematics or a score of 21+ in ACT Mathematics

A general introduction to the field of engineering including; basics of engineering components, processes, systems and professional practices. An overview of engineering systems in a range of disciplines, including electrical, mechanical, biomedical and biotechnological, provides foundations for engineering system analysis and problem-solving, in addition to management and industry practice. The subject examines innovations in engineering, as well as application of the Engineering Code of Ethics. The seminar component will involve written and verbal presentations, with individual and team components, on topics within the wider engineering disciplines. 

Credit: 3

ENGR 1500 - Design Project Experience I

This course gives students the opportunity to advance their professional development as Engineers. Students will have the option to work together with their Engineering peer mentors or the Engineering faculty to learn technical knowledge and know-hows as needed. The premise is to expose students to the Engineering design process early in the program to foster creative and innovative thinking while gaining technical knowledge. The students will be required to submit a short report (1-page max). The course is taken typically during the Freshmen year in the program. Repeatable for up to 2 credits.

Credit: 1

ENGR 2500 - Design Project Experience II

Prerequisites: ENGR 1500 or instructor approval.

This course gives students the opportunity to advance their professional development as Engineers. Students will have the option to work together with their Engineering peer mentors or the Engineering faculty to learn and apply technical knowledge and know-hows as needed. The premise is to expose students to, and engage students in, the Engineering design process early in the program to foster creative and innovative thinking while gaining technical knowledge. The students will be required to submit a short report (1-page max). The course is taken typically during the Sophomore year in the program. Repeatable for up to 2 credits.

Credit: 1

ENGR 2600 - Engineering Statics

Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 2214, PHYS 2050.

Recommended: MATH 2215, PHYS 2052.

This course introduces the basics of engineering mechanics through the analysis of forces acting on particles and rigid bodies in static equilibrium. Statics is fundamental to civil and mechanical engineering, and has applications in many other areas of engineering. Subject covered: equivalent systems of forces, moments and resultants; analysis of trusses, frames, and machines; centroids, moments of inertia; and friction.

Credit: 3

ENGR 3500 - Engineering Design Project I

Prerequisites: ENGE 2004 and ENGE 2006.

Students will work in teams towards the construction of a working prototype by application of fundamentals in engineering to a real-world challenge or problem. Multidisciplinary projects are encouraged so that they involve Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and/or other Engineering disciplines. Students are expected to form the project topic, feasibility, and design in this course. Students continue the same topic in ENGR 3501 where they will implement, test, and deploy the working prototype. There is an emphasis on both technical achievement and project process management skills, amid team-based real-world project design challenges.

Credit: 3

ENGR 3501 - Engineering Design Project II

Prerequisites: ENGE 3000 and ENGE 3004.

Student continue their topic from ENGR 3500 by taking the design and moving into project implementation, testing, and commissioning (deployment) throughout the course. Students will finish the course with a project demonstration, and assessment submissions throughout the seminar will include reports, demonstrations of selected hardware and software functionality, and individual tests to determine level of competency both in technical prowess and project management strategies.

Credit: 3

ENGR 3600 - Engineering Dynamics

Prerequisite: C or better in ENGR 2600, MATH 2215, and MATH 2216.

Recommended: PHYS 2052 (may be taken concurrently).

This course is the second in a two-class sequence of engineering statics and dynamics. Engineering Dynamics deals with the dynamic motion of particles and rigid bodies. Subjects covered: kinematics, force and acceleration, impulse momentum, work and energy, kinetics of 2-D rigid bodies, and vibrations. This course will also introduce students to the fundamental canons of the practice of engineering: public welfare responsibilities, areas of competence, public vs. employer responsibilities, and lawfulness of duties.

Credit: 3

ENGR 4500 - Engineering Research

Prerequisite: ENGR 3501 OR consent of a supervisor approved by the Department Chair.

This course provides students with the opportunity to advance their professional development as Engineers. Students will have the option to enhance their previous Engineering design projects, to start and finish a new design project, or to undertake undergraduate research topics under the guidance of HPU faculty. Submissions during the semester will include system design or some level of implementation (hardware and/or software) congruent with the project goals. Additionally, the students will present their work periodically during design reviews as requested. To allow the design and completion of comprehensive projects, the students will be able to earn up to 9 credits, by retaking this course multiple times.

Credit: 3 or 6

ENGR 4995 - Engineering Professional Practice

Prerequisite: Instructor or Program Chair approval.

This course provides internship credit for students in the Engineering program. Internships provide students with applied, experiential learning opportunities and enable connections between academic study and practical application in a professional work environment. The internship project must include Engineering-related work experience (e.g. component, device, process, system or service) and be supervised by an on-site professional Engineering supervisor or manager. Advance approval by an Engineering faculty advisor and/or program chair is required. Credit hours are defined by the university's credit-hour policy: for example, a 3-credit internship requires a minimum of 120 hours on site.

Credit: 1-3

ENGR 4999 - Special Topics in Engineering

Prerequisite: Instructor approval

This course explores state-of-the-art multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary current practices and research in engineering. Topics are chosen at the discretion of the faculty, and may include: fundamentals of sensor design, ultrasound systems, renewable energy source design and construction, advances in data communications, advances in nanotechnology and electronics, smart devices, advances in systems control such as in building solutions and exploration (aerospace, space), and latest techniques in multimedia signal processing. Repeatable up to 12 times if topics are different.

Credit: 3