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MULT 1050 - Point, Shoot, Edit

This course introduces still photography, videography, and nonlinear digital editing to beginners or those seeking to improve their production and editing skills. Instruction provides students with the technical knowhow and context necessary to set up a production shoot, operate an HDSLR camera in still and video modalities, record sound, and edit with digital, nonlinear software. Students will create original intellectual property and build digital portfolio material. The use and purpose of the static and moving image, composition, color, lighting and proxemics will be explored through in-class instruction and home-based experimentation.

Credit: 3

MULT 1100 - Foundations of Multimedia Production

This course introduces foundational software tools and writing systems used in modern multimedia communication and design. Instruction provides students with the technical know-how and context necessary to proceed in the multimedia program through software tutorials as well as the creation of physical and web-based portfolio material. The use and purpose of the static image, composition, color, fonts, and motion graphics will be explored through in-class instruction and home-based experimentation.

Credit: 3

MULT 2000 - Global Cinema Studies

Prerequisite: Any WC&IL II course.

This course provides an overview of the foundational elements of cinema studies, covering the technical, historical, and theoretical aspects of the field. Subjects we will survey include cinematography, editing, production design, primitive and classical cinema, the function of genre, avant-garde, and documentary film. Components emphasized include the language of film studies and the early history of film.

Credit: 3

MULT 2060 - Global Media Studies

Prerequisite: Any WC&IL II course.

This course explores the history of the media, the technology, regulations, programming, ratings, the international scene, sales and advertising, and the audience and its effects.

Credit: 3

MULT 2460 - Graphic Design Studio

Prerequisite: CSCI 1011, 1041, or MULT 1100. Undergraduate standing.

In this course, students learn graphic design principles and desktop publishing concepts and skills and design materials for their portfolio efforts, including advertisements, letterheads, logos, brochures, flyers, newsletters, posters, and pamphlets. Students receive instruction on the use of Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator software, and other pertinent programs to complete class projects. Principles of good design (emphasis, sequence, proportion, balance, and unity) will be taught as well as principles for the use of typography, color, photography, etc., in publishing.

Credit: 3

MULT 2465 - Motion Picture Production

Prerequisite: A grade of C- or higher in any WC&IL II course; MULT 1100. Undergraduate standing.

This course provides an introduction to digital video and audio production concepts and techniques. Theory is integrated with practical applications in motion picture analysis, video capture, lighting, audio production, and nonlinear editing. The course focuses on developing visual storytelling skills and fosters individual responsibility for course projects and deliverables in a collaborative environment.

Credit: 3

MULT 2485 - Animation Production and Design

Prerequisite: MULT 1100 or Instructor Approval

In this course, students will be introduced to the different categories of animation including sequential drawing, tweening, 3D, and motion design. The use of computer software that uses keyframes will allow students to create video transitions, title sequences, animated logos, and simple character performances. This class will also teach students how to execute project planning, storyboards, and animatics.

Credit: 3

MULT 3360 - Writing for New Media

Prerequisite: COM 1200, or MULT 2060; any WC&IL II course.

A course that focuses on the skills and style necessary for creating a variety of messages for radio, television, and new media.

Credit: 3

MULT 3400 - Design Systems and Portfolio

Prerequisite: MULT 2460.

Students assemble their own graphic design portfolio as they complete design projects toward print and digital display. Students use Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator software, amongst other tools, to complete course projects. Theories and concepts of design, visual communication, audio, typography, and use of color are expanded upon in this course.

Credit: 3

MULT 3470 - TV Studio Production

Prerequisite: MULT 3360 or 3465. Undergraduate standing.

An introduction to the skills required in television studio production. Areas covered will include filming and composition, continuity, character and theme development, and denouement. Samples of these elements will be presented to students in the form of video presentations and demonstrations. Students will learn to identify the complex functions of a variety of video, audio, and lighting equipment. They will perform as professionals and learn how to produce, direct, and crew live studio productions.

Credit: 3

MULT 3475 - Web Interface and Design

Prerequisite: MULT 2460.

Lecture-lab combined course exploring theories of design and providing a basic introduction to the production and publication of multimedia web content. Students will incorporate theory, interface design, and advertising consideration to create projects ready for web publication.

Credit: 3

MULT 3500 - Cinematography Workshop

Prerequisite: MULT 2465.

This course covers the fundamentals of cinematography. Students will meticulously review the functions of the single-lens reflect still camera and the digital video camera. By the end of this course, students will understand the cornerstones of photography and cinematography. Students will address the quality and manipulation of light, shadow, color, and composition while working with various cameras and attendant technology. Students will be able to artistically manipulate the camera’s capabilities and lighting to create images which achieve course and student creative goals.

Credit: 3

MULT 3510 - Non-linear Audio-Visual Editing

Prerequisite: MULT 1050 or 1100. Undergraduate standing.

This course covers the history, theory, and practice of digital non-linear editing. It concentrates on both the technical skills needed to produce a competently-edited audio-video program and the aesthetic concerns an editor faces for different types of projects.

Credit: 3

MULT 3600 - Creative Narrative Production

Prerequisite: MULT 2465; WRI 3320.

Creative Narrative Production will strengthen the student’s cinematic storytelling abilities through the creation of several short digital-video productions and a short screenplay. This class is designed to encourage an organic exploration of storytelling, strengthen trust in one’s own ideas and instincts, and heighten student curiosity about human nature and the world at large. The heart of the course involves exploration of visual language on a practical level while keeping in mind our technical, epochal, and cultural contexts.

Credit: 3

MULT 3651 - Game Design

Prerequisite: MULT 3475.

An introduction to the many types of computer game design. This course reviews the design and theory behind classic games such as Tetris and Space Invaders and genre creators such as SimCity and Civilization, as well as modern techniques behind sophisticated games such as Quake, Grand Theft Auto, and Red Dead Redemption. Students get hands-on experience designing 2-D games in JavaScript/HTML5 and 3-D games in systems such as the Unreal Engines. Course also briefly covers interactive narrative text adventures, mobile games, and game artificial intelligence.

Credit: 3

MULT 3675 - Advanced Web Design

Prerequisite: MULT 2460 or 3475.

This course covers the design of dynamic and highly-interactive web sites as corporate identity and communication tools. Particular attention is paid to combining visual appeal and functionality as well as incorporating multimedia modules such as audio and video to enhance media richness. Introductory and intermediate skill levels of Flash are addressed.

Credit: 3

MULT 3700 - Radio and Audio Production

Prerequisite: Any WC&IL II course; MULT 2060

This course covers digital audio capture and processing for multiple platforms including radio, cinematic forms, and television. Students learn and practice techniques for recording, editing, mixing, and presenting audio. Areas addressed include: foley, sound effects, interviewing, voice over, and music.

Credit: 3

MULT 3750 - Motion Graphics and Compositing

Prerequisite: MULT 2460 and 2465.

This course covers motion graphics and compositing using Adobe After Effects and other related software. The course instructs students in how to learn to use one’s creativity to produce attention-grabbing, integrated communication design for film, television, and the web. Motion graphics are responsible for many effects found in movie trailers, opening film credits, television commercials, animated network identities, short promos, and advertising of all types.

Credit: 3

MULT 3770 - 3D Animation Studio

Prerequisite: MULT 2460 or 2465 or instructor approval.

This course examines 3D asset creation, animation, and rendering using relevant software. The pervasive impact of 3D animation technology can be found in contemporary films, television shows, scientific simulations, video games, and across disciplines and industries. Students who take this class will learn how to create characters, environments, and props which they will bring to life through various animation strategies and techniques.

Credit: 3

MULT 3775 - Advanced 3D Animation Studio

Prerequisite: MULT 3770

This course will explore advanced 3D Asset Creation, animation, and rendering. Particle simulation, shape animation, lip synchronization, and multilayer material creation will add greater depth, realism, and quality to the execution of 3D animations and 3D characters. Students will learn techniques and workflows that will prepare them for real world professional practice.

Credit: 3

MULT 3780 - Global Documentary

Prerequisite: MULT 1050 or MULT 1100.

This course explores the history, theories, production practices and ethical considerations of documentary filmmaking. Topics include how documentary filmmaking evolved; close textual analysis of documentary films; ethical issues of the documentary mode; and practical applications, including subject research, narrative development, camera operations, lens choices, lighting, collaboration, budgeting, producing, and postproduction. The course provides students with the knowledge, insights, and skill set needed to research and develop a documentary film project while facilitating the development of the student’s cinematic voice and vision. This is a project-based course, and the final outcome includes a documentary pitch package and short film.

Credit: 3

MULT 3785 - Animation Storytelling

Prerequisite: MULT 3750 or MULT 3770 or Instructor Approval

Students will create character-driven narratives and tell stories through the medium of animation. The coursework will cover character creation and development, including personality profiles and character design sheets. Students will collaborate to build environments for their characters to exist and perform in. Screenplays, storyboards, and animatics will be used to plan animation production.

Credit: 3

MULT 3910 - Selected Topics in Multimedia

Prerequisite: Undergraduate standing.

Course title, content, and prerequisites will vary. May be repeated for a total of 9 credits when title and content have changed.

Credit: 1 to 3

MULT 3950 - Contemporary Cinema Studies

Prerequisite: MULT 2000.

This course explores current trends in cinematic studies. Critical methods including psychoanalytic studies, cognitive approaches, auteur theory, Lacanian analysis, and postmodernism will be utilized to analyze films from the last forty years. Students will be able to distinguish between different critical approaches and creatively apply contemporary theory.

Credit: 3

MULT 3990 - Internship

Prerequisite: At least a 2.7 GPA for undergraduate level.

Internships provide students with applied, experiential learning opportunities so that they can make connections between academic study and the practical application of that study in a professional work environment. Academic internships are supervised by a faculty member and an on-site professional supervisor. All academic internships must be approved in advance by the department or program. Unless stipulated otherwise by the department or program, credit hours are defined by the university's credit hour policy (for example, a 3-credit internship will require a minimum of 120 hours on­site). Internships may be repeated for a total of 9 credit hours.

 Repeatable for up to 9 Credits.

Credit: 1 to 3

MULT 4010 - Postproduction Studio

Prerequisite: MULT 3600 or MULT 3750.

This course allows multimedia students to focus on nonlinear projects currently in postproduction. Students use cinematic, motion graphics, and narrative skills to produce advanced mixed media artifacts. The course gives students the opportunity to develop projects and refine their editing, color-correction, and audio skills while enhancing professional portfolios and demo reels.

Repeatable for up to 6 credits.

Credit: 3

MULT 4100 - Visual Culture and Media Theory

Prerequisite: MULT 2000 or COM 3260; and ENG 2301 or 3330.

MULT 4100 Visual Culture and Media Theory is an advanced critical-media-studies course, a capstone for the Critical Media Studies major, and an elective in the Multimedia Cinematic Production degree program. Critical analysis of media culture demands engagement across a broad spectrum of theoretical models and applications. This course surveys contemporary trends in media theory and guides students in research methods and interdisciplinary approaches to visual and mediated culture. As a capstone, the course provides an opportunity for students in the CMS major to reflect upon their course of study in the major.

Credit: 3

MULT 4590 - Feature Film Screenwriting

Prerequisite: WRI 3320.

Feature Film Screenwriting introduces long form narrative screenwriting for the cinema. Students in this course will study narrative design and screenwriting techniques. The course is project-oriented, and the final deliverable is a feature-length narrative screenplay. The course explores story structure, synopsis, step-outline, treatment writing, character development, characterization, plot strategy, narrative theory, screenplay format, building scenes, genre analysis, subplot, dialogue, future-building, and other screenwriting techniques and conventions. Participants will engage in a rigorous process of close textual analysis of their own and other screenplays. The course encourages the screenwriter to write about things they know and care passionately about.

Credit: 3

MULT 4702 - Mobile Design

Prerequisite: MULT 3475.

An introduction to interface and application design for mobile platforms such as smartphones, iPads, and tablets. This course will review the general interface design and prototyping process, with special focus on the restricted mobile environment. A significant portion of the course is organized around critical engagement with the latest academic and design literature in the field. This course will at times include joint projects with students in the mobile application programming course, CSCI 4702.

Credit: 3

MULT 4900 - Multimedia Seminar

Prerequisite: MULT 3600 or MULT 3750.

This capstone course allows multimedia students to use acquired design, cinematic and narrative skills to produce advanced mixed media projects. The course gives students the opportunity to develop and refine their professional portfolios and demo reels. Graphic design, web design, writing, and interactive skills will be tested and challenged as students design their final baccalaureate projects.

Course may be repeated one time for a total of 6 credit hours.

Credit: 3