Introduction to Sociology
This course will give students an introduction into the academic study of society. We will study the interplay between personal traits and characteristics and large-scale factors that are outside of ourselves such as the rules that govern society. Pe...
Social Problems and Policy
A survey of important social problems confronting Americans today, their causes, and solutions. Particular attention is directed toward understanding how and why social problems are created and the controversies surrounding them.
Fundamentals of Research
This course will introduce students to the field of scientific research with special emphasis on their roles as consumers of research in their intended majors.
Peace Studies
Peace Studies provides students with an introduction to the dynamics of conflict and peace at the personal, local, national, and international levels. The course surveys interdisciplinary research that analyzes the causes of violence, war, and peace...
Methods of Inquiry
An overview of the major methods for seeking and organizing knowledge in the social sciences. Topics include research design, ethics, selection of subjects, and presentation of results.
Social Statistics
Descriptive and inferential statistics for data analysis in the social sciences. Techniques for analysis of data from experimental and nonexperimental research include: levels of measurement; central tendency; variability; internal estimation; and te...
Marriage and the Family
A comprehensive view of marriage and the family in a social context. The course employs both psychological and sociological perspectives and deals with such topics as: family forms, functions, interaction; impact of social change on family and indiv...
Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
This course explores the development of gender, sexuality and sexual identities and their distinctive places in society today. Emphasis is placed on social construction of gender categories and gender systems, and the interplay of gender with social...
Collective Behavior
A course that describes collective behavior: the role of interaction among individuals in a social movement; the phenomenon of social organization despite deviant crowd behavior; and appropriate governmental or business responses to acute crises or t...
Cross-Cultural Relations
A course that addresses problems of residents of multiethnic societies and immigrants and sojourners in a foreign country. Topics include how characteristics of the individual, group, situation, and host society affect transcultural relations; and pr...
Family Dynamics: Violence
Refer to NUR 3910.
Refer to JADM 3050.
Drug Abuse and Justice
Refer to JADM 3520.
Crime Victims and Justice
Refer to JADM 3510.
Baseball in American Culture
American society as seen through America's national sport. Topics include demographic changes, war, race relations, gender issues, generational and labor-management relations, all as revealed in and affected by the evolution of amateur and profession...
Corrections: Processes and Programs
Refer to JADM 3320.
Community Intervention
Basic skills in community intervention in a broad range of medium and large-group settings. The course emphasizes working effectively within existing community systems as well as making changes.
American Social Welfare Policy
The study of society's policy response to social problems such as poverty, illness, and abuse. Special attention is given to social welfare programs.
Sociology of Work
Cross-national comparisons of selected questions in the sociology of work and occupations. Considers macro-level issues such as the interaction between business organizations and government as well as micro-level issues such as organizational innova...
Urban Sociology
A comprehensive overview of urban sociology and urban studies. Provides an overview of the nature and growth of cities, and their effects on people's lives in the United States and internationally. The "urban revolution" and growth and effects of sub...
Global Systems and Development
The content of the course focuses upon development and social change in global systems. A combination of international conditions and domestic endowments explain strategies for economic development and social change in different countries and are do...
Intergenerational Programs
This is the first of a two-course introduction to the world of intergenerational programs, which are designed to increase cooperation or exchange between young people and seniors. Students will learn about the origins, policy issues, methods, and se...
Sociology of Terrorism
This course is designed to introduce and examine domestic as well as international terrorism form a sociological perspective. The course will review major theories of terrorism; present the historical, religious, political, and ideological motives fo...
Special Topics: Applied Sociology
This course will allow students and faculty to address current or specialized issues in sociology that are not part of the regular curriculum. Course topics will vary with instructor. This course may be repeated for a total of up to 9 credit hours...
Social Movements and Collective Behavior
An analysis of several historic and current social movements, techniques for change, and the implications for human development. The perspective of this course is both sociological and political. Topics include: feminism, the battle for racial equa...
Women, Minorities, and Justice
Refer to JADM 3540.
Sociology of American Athletics
This course investigates a broad range of social issues revolving around the world of collegiate and professional athletics. Special attention is given to issues of race, gender, performance/motivation, social stress, and global capitalism.
Aging and Diversity
This course addresses the older person's interactions with their psychological, social, cultural, and physical environments, including family and the larger social structure of community, organizations, and society.
Sociology of Law
An overview of the legal system from a sociological perspective, including recent legal research, important legal trends and their consequences, the emergence of modern legal systems, and future impacts of law and social change, as well as the profes...
Diversity Perspectives in the Social Environment
This course presents perspectives and conceptual frameworks for understanding ethno-cultural differences, the dynamics and consequences of oppression, and diversity in relation to vulnerable or at-risk groups. Students will be challenged to examine t...
Sociology of Child Maltreatment
An overview of the various forms of child maltreatment. The course includes recognition, reporting, legal response, treatment, and prevention of various forms of child abuse and neglect. Emphasis is placed on understanding the dynamics of abusive f...
Sociology of Terrorism
This course (1) reviews the major theories of terrorism, (2) presents the historical, religious, political, and ideological motivations for terrorism, (3) discusses the reality of cyber, chemical, and biological terrorist attacks, and (4) examines th...
Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
This course explores the development of gender, sexuality and sexual identities and their distinctive places in society today. Emphasis is placed on their lateral/horizontal progress in the realms of society and cultural development. Gender and sex...
Sociology of Problem Gambling
Problem gambling has a universal scope, ranging from commercial enterprises, casinos, and gaming rooms to localized events such as cock-fighting, sports betting, cards and mah jong. This course will focus on the place of gambling in society, its effe...
Sociology of Domestic Violence
Family violence exists in every culture and society. This course will focus on the causes contributing to such violence and its effects on people and communities; treatment for the abused and the abusers; and prevention of problems associated with f...
Medical Sociology
Medical sociology is the study of individual and group behaviors as they relate to health and illness. This course examines the social construction of disease, personal and societal responses to illness, and the health care system within the framewor...
Sociology of Popular Culture
A course that addresses media and entertainment in contemporary society. Topics include how film, television, music, advertising, fashion, and online media coincide with historical and contemporary forms of social disparities and globalization.
No Description Set
Sociological Research
The sociology capstone is intended to provide senior sociology students with an opportunity to integrate and apply previous learning through the creation and implementation of a research project informed by sociological theory. This research project...
Program Design for the Human Services
Capstone course for Human Services majors. Designed to teach the process of establishing and running a small program or project within a human services agency, recreational organization, or public organization.
Field Practicum
Students are placed with a community action group or social group under the cooperative supervision of a University mentor and agency staff. While developing specific job competencies, students apply sociological methods and the sociological framewo...
Research Practicum I
Practical experience in the conduct of social research under the supervision of a faculty mentor, emphasizing the role of practice in modifying sociological theory and methods while identifying and resolving individual and social problems. Students m...
Research Practicum II
Optional continuation of SOC 4971. With prior approval, students may complete research and analysis of a complex project begun in Research Practicum I or design and carry out a new research project under faculty supervision.
Social Sustainability, Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Work
This course serves as an introduction to the profession of social work through the lens of social sustainability and entrepreneurship. Socially sustainable communities have systems, structures, and relationships that equitable, diverse, connected and...
Profession of Social Work
An introduction to the profession's knowledge base, generalist methods, goals, and fields of practice. Students are encouraged to view the profession and themselves in realistic terms and to examine their appropriateness for continued study in social...
Social Sustainability, Social Work and Entrepreneurship
This course serves as an introduction to the profession of social work through the lens of social sustainability and entrepreneurship. Socially sustainable communities have systems, structures, and relationships that equitable, diverse, connected and...
Generalist Social Work Practice
An orientation to the principles and overview of the problem-solving process of generalist social work practice (intake, engagement, data collection, assessment, planning, contracting, intervention, evaluation, termination, follow-up.)
Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
This course will employ theories, models, and perspectives to understand individuals, families, and their interpersonal and group relationships, life span development, and well-being, stress, coping, and adaption. This course will emphasize knowledge...
Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
This course examines theory and research knowledge about political economic and societal structures and process related to communities, groups and organizations within contemporary society. Consideration is given to ways in which these social systems...
Social Work Practice with Individuals
A closer examination of the social work skills and methods with individuals including diverse/special populations.
Sexuality in Health and Society
This course explores advanced understandings of human sexuality through a multi-disciplinary approach combining pedagogies, students and faculty from different departments in the College of Heath and Society. Concentrations will include: 1) Bio-medic...
Writing and Research in Social Work
This course focuses attention on two essential skills of social work: (1) clear, correct, and professionally/legally sound documentation, and (2) integrating the results of social science research into professional practice/practice evaluation.
Collective Behavior
No Description Set
Nonprofit Organization and their Management
No Description Set
American Social Welfare Policy
This course involves an exploration of the development of social welfare programs. It includes content about the history of social work, the history and current structure of social welfare services and the role of policy in service delivery, social w...
Special Topics in the Social World
This is a special topics seminar providing students with the opportunity to participate in an in-depth exploration of current social problems impacting our society. Each semester the topic will change to focus on a contemporary social issue. Students...
American Social Welfare Policy
No Description Set
Aging and Diversity
This course addresses the older person's interactions with their psychological, social, cultural, and physical environments, including family and the larger social structure of community, organizations, and society.
Practice in the Profession
This course focuses on the development and integration of the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a successful fourth year practicum experience in social work. Students will explore roles in various aspects of social work practice, network with...
Social Work Practice with Families and Groups
A closer examination of the social work skills and methods with families and groups, including diverse/special populations.
Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities
A closer examination of the social work skills and methods with organizations and communities, with special attention to evaluation. This course also serves as a "capstone," in which students return to the generalist model as a whole.
Prgm Design for the Human Svcs
No Description Set
Case Management
This course covers principles, practices, issues, and ethics in case management, which is defined as a multidimensional and interdisciplinary process designed to facilitate service delivery and linkages through a direct relationship between a human s...
Social Work Practicum I
Students apply and integrate classroom theory in social agencies under close supervision. Required for all social work majors.
Social Work Practicum II
Students apply and integrate classroom theory in social agencies under close supervision. Required for all social work majors.
Social Work Capstone
The social work capstone is intended to provide senior Social Work students with an opportunity to integrate and apply previous learning (academic and field) through the creation and implementation of project at their practicum agency in order to dem...
Graduate Study in Social Work
Designed to introduce beginning MSW student to the goals and foundational elements of social work. It is designed to prepare students to begin their study of social work methods with a sense of the profession's past, present, future, and with some k...
Fundraising and Resources Development for Non-Profit Organizations and Agencies
Fundraising and Resources Development for Non-Profit Organizations and AgenciesIt is a macro elective that covers resource development and grant writing for non-profit agencies. It affords students to assist agencies to expand their funding base in d...
Crisis Intervention and Prevention
This course provides specific application of crisis theory onto generalist practice relevant to conducting the practice of social work during a crisis situation, immediately following a crisis, and in situations where the social worker may be faced w...
Global Social Work Practice
This is an elective course that will provide opportunities for one-to-one direct practice within a host culture. Students will be provided the foundation knowledge about the importance of how globalization has impacted social work practice and what a...
Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
This course will provide an overview of DSM-5 diagnoses that social workers are likely to see in different arenas of practice or on the ASWB exam. This course will teach students how to use the DSM-5 to make a diagnosis, how to write appropriate time...
Graduate Study of Social Work for Advanced Standing Students
A transition course for students with the BSW who will begin second year MSW courses in the following semester. Differences between undergraduate and graduate social work education. Review topics not covered in depth in the BSW. Literature research m...
Generalist Social Work Practice with Individuals
This course is designed to teach students about methods of generalist social work practice at the micro level, with individuals.
Interviewing Laboratory
This course is designed to help students gain skill in interviewing through supervised practice.
Generalist Social Work Practice with Families and Groups
This course is designed to teach students about methods of generalist social work practice at the mezzo level, with families and small groups.
Generalist Social Work Practice with Organizations and Communities
This course is designed to teach students about methods of generalist social work practice at the macro level with organizations and communities.
Social Work Methods IV
This course is designed to teach MSW students about methods of working at the macro level with organizations and communities. A particular focus of the course will be preparing the student to advocate for equality and social justice.
Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
This course is designed to teach MSW students about human development from birth to death, including physical, cognitive, and social aspects. The course will focus especially on aspects of development that have implications for social work practice.
Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
This course is designed to teach MSW students about family, group, and community influences on the behavior of individuals.
Social Work Research I
This course is designed to introduce MSW students to the principles of practice evaluation and "evidence-based practice."
Social Welfare Policy I
This course is designed to introduce MSW students to the field of social welfare policy. And to specific policy issues and programs in the United States and abroad.
Legal and Ethical Issues in Social Work
Consideration of current laws/legal decision affecting the practice of social work. Application of ethical principles to practice dilemmas.
Military and Veteran Social Work Practice
This course examines military and veteran cultures impacting clients and families seeking social services, including stressors like deployments, military family structures, and readjustment issues. Ethical issues and research-informed interventions a...
Graduate Practicum I
This course is designed to give students the opportunity to put social work values, skills, and knowledge into practice through supervised work in a social services agency.
Graduate Practicum II
This is the second semester of practicum for students in the MSW program. This course is designed to give students the continuing opportunity to put social work values, skills, and knowledge into practice through supervised work in a social services...
Directed Readings in Social Work
Directed individualized readings.
Culture and Diversity in Advanced Generalist Practice
Social Work approaches to meet the needs of special and diverse population. Students will also study the lements of "cultural competence" as defined by the National Association of Social Workers.
Advanced Practice with Diverse Individuals
Introduction to counseling knowledge, ethics, and skills appropriate for multicultural advanced social work practice.
Advanced Practice with Diverse Families and Groups
The focus of this course is on the knowledge, ethics, and skills appropriate for culturally competent advanced social work practice with diverse families and groups.
Advanced Practice with Diverse Organizations and Communities
Knowledge, ethics, and skills for culturally competent advanced social work practice with organizations and communities.
Social Work Research II
Research methods applied to knowledge generation in social work.
Research Methods in Military Social Work and Veteran Affairs
This course focuses on research methods in a military social work and veteran affairs context. Students develop research questions around military social work and veteran affairs. Several approaches to social work research methods are examined. The g...
Integrative Seminar in Advanced Generalist Practice
A capstone course in which MSW candidates synthesize their work and research relating to social work practice with a cultural group and create a paper suitable for publication.
Integrative Seminar in Military Social Work and Veteran Affairs
Capstone course for MSW Military and Veteran Affairs students. The course gives students the opportunity to enhance professional presentation skills through the creation of a high-quality professional paper and delivery of a poster presentation.
Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Being
This course explores Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing which acknowledges not only knowledge development, but also how people interact with the world around them. Emphasis will also be placed on personal identity/positionality in relation...
Trauma, Healing and Reconciliation
This course explores different levels of traumatic injuries, the methods of recovery, reconciliation, and healing interventions at the micro-, mezzo-, and macro-levels of practice. Special emphasis of the course will include intergenerational, histor...
Program Sustainability: Funding, Administration, and Evaluation
This course will focus on helping students to develop grant writing and grant management skills, learn to work with non-profit social service agencies towards developing strategic plans, business plans, and consider various sources of revenue. Emphas...
Social Welfare Policy and Services II
A continuation of SWRK 6500, this course focuses on policy analysis. Special emphasis is placed on public policies affecting diverse clients/client groups, and on the role of the social worker as a public policy change agent.
Legal and Ethical Issues in Social Work
Consideration of current laws/legal decision affecting the practice of social work. Application of ethical principles to practice dilemmas.
Military and Veteran Social Work Practice
The purpose of this course is to enhance understanding of the military and veteran cultures which impact on assessment, engagement, and interventions for clients and families seeking social services. This course takes into account various stressors t...
Crisis Intervention
Students will be provided with broad based, holistic information about the nature of crisis intervention and prevention work, and the theoretical rationale necessary for making informed practice decisions. The specific application of crisis theory on...
Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment
This course will provide an overview of DSM-5 diagnoses that social workers are likely to see in different arenas of practice or on the ASWB exam. This course will teach students how to use the DSM-5 to make a diagnosis, how to write appropriate time...
Graduate Practicum III
Supervised work in a community social agency with special focus on a cultural group.
Graduate Practicum IV
Continuation of supervised work in a community social agency with special focus on a cultural group.
Military and Veteran's Affairs Practicum III
Use of a peer supervision model based on reciprocal arrangements whereby peers work together for mutual benefit, where developmental feedback is emphasized, a self-directed learning and evaluation is encouraged. Over two semesters, the class develops...
Military and Veteran's Affairs Practicum IV
Continuation of a peer supervision model based on reciprocal arrangements whereby peers work together for a mutual benefit, where developmental feedback is emphasized, and self-directed learning and evaluation is encouraged. Over two semesters, the c...