Department: Baccalaureate Nursing Programs

Code Name Description
NUR1000 Success in Nursing A course that offers the student intending to major in nursing an introduction to writing, critical thinking, and practical adjustments to change required of a nursing student.
NUR2000 Introduction to Professional Nursing This course is designed to facilitate the student's understanding of the professional nurse's behavior and role as influenced and/or governed by individual, societal and cultural values; professional ethical codes; and state and federal laws and regu...
NUR2100 Nutrition and Diet Therapy An introduction to the principles of nutrition and diet therapy integral to the practice of nursing.
NUR2200 Development Across the Lifespan Students will examine the cognitive, physical, and psychosocial development of the individual from birth to death with special emphasis on health related issues. Students will consider such factors as heredity, early experiences, parenting, peers, l...
NUR2301 Math for Meds An exploration of the principles of medication administration and calculation.
NUR2910 PathoPharmacology This course analyzes and applies pathophysiologic processes to the care and promotion of wellness across the lifespan appropriate to the professional nurse role. Major drug classes and prototypical drugs are presented with specific application to nur...
NUR2920 Foundations of Professional Nursing This course introduces students to the values, knowledge, and skills that are the foundation for safe, evidence-based professional nursing practice. As an integrated lecture and laboratory course, students will have the opportunity to acquire new kno...
NUR2921 Foundations of Professional Nursing Laboratory This course focuses on health history and physical assessment skills across the lifespan. Students will learn to assess healthy individuals as well as individuals with a health concern who are in the hospital or community settings.
NUR2923 Foundations of Professional Nursing Clincal This course introduces students to the values, knowledge, and skills that are the foundation for safe, evidence-based, professional nursing practice. As an integrated lecture and laboratory course, students will have the opportunity to acquire new kn...
NUR2940 Health Promotion and Education An introduction to the principles of health teaching that integrates physical, psychological, spiritual, developmental, and social dimensions within a cultural and environmental context. Emphasis is placed on promoting healthy behaviors that are cons...
NUR2950 Nursing Concepts and Processes An introduction to the concepts and processes inherent in the philosophy and conceptual framework of the Hawai`i Pacific University Nursing program, including basic clinical "hands-on" skills. The skills lab component (NUR 2951) must be taken concurr...
NUR2951 Nursing Concepts and Processes Laboratory Lab component for NUR 2950.
NUR2955 Nursing Transition: International Student This course focuses on transitioning the international student to the Nursing Program at HPU. The course concentrates on diagnostic reasoning, critical thinking and synthesis of concepts to enhance the international nursing in caring for patients in...
NUR2960 Therapeutic Communication An introduction to the therapeutic communication techniques integral to the relationship between the client and nurse. Included are basic communication theory, the role of self in communication, and group process. A lab component (NUR 2961) must be t...
NUR2961 Applied Therapeutic Communication This course is designed as the applied and experiential component for learning communication skills and is complementary to the theoretical and conceptual material presented in NUR 2960. The student is guided through the application of basic communic...
NUR2963 Communication for Health Care Professionals An introduction to professional and therapeutic communication concepts and techniques integral to the relationship between the nurse and professional colleagues and the nurse and patients and families. Included are basic communication and interperson...
NUR2965 Nursing Transition: LPN-to-BSN This course will focus on filling the gaps in the Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses' (LPN/LVN) educational background and experience by allowing selected students to acquire concepts deemed essential to the role of the Professional Nurse (BSN). Th...
NUR2966 Nursing Transition: LPN-BSN Laboratory This is the clinical co-requisite of NUR 2965. Students function in the BSN student role in a hospital setting by applying the knowledge learned in NUR 2965 to assigned patients and their families, peers and other members of the health care team. The...
NUR2970 Health Assessment A holistic health assessment that introduces physical assessment skills and refines therapeutic communication skills. Emphasis is on the recognition of acceptable norms for health of children, adolescents, and adults. A lab component (NUR 2971) must...
NUR2971 Comprehensive Health Assessment Laboratory Lab component for NUR 2970.
NUR2972 Non-Degree Health Assessment This course focuses on transitioning the non-degree seeking international student to the Nursing program at HPU. The course concentrates on health assessment including physical, emotional, and spiritual. The laboratory component incorporates subjecti...
NUR2973 Non-Degree Health Assessment Laboratory This course focuses on transitioning the non-degree seeking international student to the Nursing program. The course concentrates on practicing the assessment skills that are taught on another student in the lab setting. It is expected that the stude...
NUR2980 Mental Health Nursing Mental Health or Psychiatric Nursing provides an examination of the core concepts of mental health and mental illness across the lifespan. The influence of stress and trauma on biological, emotional, mental, cultural and spiritual well-being will be...
NUR2981 Mental Health Nursing Clinical This clinical component of NUR 2980 focuses on critical thinking and application of the nursing process in psychiatric, medical, and community settings working with patients and families who are experiencing emotional/ psychological and behavioral di...
NUR3000 Continued Success in Nursing A continuation of NUR 1000 focusing on the development, or expansion, of APA writing style, critical thinking skills, and test-taking skills.
NUR3025 Sexuality in Health and Society This course explores advanced understandings of human sexuality through a multi-disciplinary approach combining pedagogies, students and faculty from different departments in the College of Heath and Society. Concentrations will include: 1) Bio-medi...
NUR3050 Current Issues in Professional Nursing A course that develops skills in the analysis of critical issues that affect the health care system and professional nursing practice in contemporary society. The use of political processes to respond to forces that impact the nursing profession is d...
NUR3120 Health Care Informatics At the undergraduate level, this course is an introduction to the use of computer systems in various health care settings, as pertains to the areas of research, administration, education, and patient care. Students will be introduced to the concept o...
NUR3360 Concepts and Issues for Professional Nursing This course is designed for the Registered Nurse as a "bridge course" between the Associate Degree or Diploma program and the Baccalaurete degree. It facilitates the transition to baccalaurete level nursing through collegial exploration of the practi...
NUR3370 Health Assessment/RN Student A course that facilitates the transition to baccalaureate level nursing practice by reviewing and updating physical, mental, and spiritual assessment skills. It also updates therapeutic communication, history-taking and documentation skills. A lab co...
NUR3371 Clinical Laboratory/Health Assessment Lab component for NUR 3370.
NUR3550 Crime Scene Investigation: Theories and Practice The study of academic theories underlying crime scene investigations and of practical applications of these theories. Topics include historical origins, principles underlying such investigations, and real-life studies of crimes such as homicide, ars...
NUR3890 Interventions Lab This interventions lab course provides students with the opportunity to learn and practice the skills and procedures in everyday nursing practice with accuracy and increasing speed and confidence in a mock-hospital environment. The course is intended...
NUR3900 Leadership and Management in Nursing A course that provides practical assistance to the future nurse manager in the development of effective leadership and management skills in order to assure the best possible environment for the provision of high-quality care.
NUR3901 Leadership and Management in Nursing Laboratory This course provides the student with a leadership practicum experience designed in collaboration with a faculty member, practicum representative, in an appropriate health care or community-based care setting. Students will integrate knowledge of evi...
NUR3910 Dynamics of Family Violence A nursing elective. The course examines widespread problems of family violence with a focus on historical background, prevention programs, and treatment. Emphasis is on health related issues.
NUR3920 Issues of AIDS A nursing elective. The course examines the issues of AIDS within public health and social domains. Students explore their personal values and beliefs about AIDS, as well as develop a working body of knowledge about the disease and its effects on the...
NUR3922 Managing our Mortality Dying in America is often described as a lonely, isolating, and painful experience. Explore new approaches for changing how we die in this lively seminar. Whether you are a family member of someone dying, are a caregiver, attorney, health care profes...
NUR3930 Complementary Healing Methods A nursing elective. The course provides a forum for the critical exploration of alternative methods of treatment and healing body, mind, and spirit. Emphasizes the integration of alternative methods with currently accepted healing modalities.
NUR3931 Rehabilitation Nursing An introduction to the concepts and processes inherent in the practice of rehabilitation nursing, covering the multidisciplinary approach to physical and spiritual care, teaching, counseling, and social support.
NUR3940 Ostomy and Skin Care Management An overview of ostomy and skin care management.
NUR3941 Women's Health A nursing elective. An interdisciplinary forum for the critical exploration of current issues related to the health and health care of men and women. The goal is for participants to become informed consumers and, if appropriate, providers of health c...
NUR3942 Nursing in Japan An intensive two-week summer experiential course that explores the culture of nursing in Japan. Experiences include studying with student nurses in Japan, home stay when available, and tours of various clinical settings. Some understanding of Japanes...
NUR3943 Transcultural Nursing This course serves as an introduction to the application of the concepts and process of nursing in a transcultural and global context. Students will apply Transcultural Nursing Theory in order to study and establish transcultural rapport and communic...
NUR3944 Transcultural Nursing: People of Hawaii The study of transcultural nursing as a formal area of practice. Content includes theoretical perspectives, concepts and practices as well as different beliefs and health practices within Hawaii. The goal is to improve health outcomes and the quality...
NUR3945 Theoretical Foundations of Transcultural Nursing A study of transcultural nursing theory and culture care models that have been developed internationally. The purpose of this course is to learn how transcultural nursing theory can be used with a variety of models to provide culturally competent nur...
NUR3950 Adult Health Care I No Description Set
NUR3951 Adult Health Care I - Laboratory No Description Set
NUR3952 Gerontologic Nursing Presents mental, physical, and emotional health as related to normal aging and lifestyle decisions throughout adulthood. It considers the adult in the family context, emphasizing principles of healthy aging. A clinical component (NUR 3953) must be ta...
NUR3953 Gerontologic Nursing Laboratory Clinical component for NUR 3952.
NUR3957 Intervention Lab Interventional labs are provided to assist students to learn and practice the skills and procedures used in everyday nursing practice with accuracy and increasing speed and confidence in a mock-hospital environment. These courses are intended to prov...
NUR3960 Adult Health Care II No Description Set
NUR3961 Adult Health Care II - Laboratory No Description Set
NUR3962 Adult Health Care I Introduction to Medical/Surgical Nursing. Focuses on nursing care of adults in an acute illness crisis and at risk for chronic illness. A clinical component (NUR 3963) must be taken concurrently.
NUR3963 Adult Health Care I Laboratory Clinical Component for NUR 3962.
NUR3964 Adult Health Care II Nursing care of adults in their generative and productive years, in acute illness crisis and at risk for chronic illness. A clinical component (NUR 3965) must be taken concurrently.
NUR3965 Adult Health Care II Laboratory Clinical Component for NUR 3964.
NUR3970 Altered Mental Health Patterns An examination of the conceptual base, principles, and practice of mental health and psychiatric nursing across the life span in a holistic approach. Nursing modalities include: psychotropic medications, milieu therapy, crisis intervention, and thera...
NUR3971 Altered Mental Health Patterns Laboratory Clinical component for NUR 3970.
NUR3972 Introduction of Forensic Science This course is an overview of forensic health sciences. It uses a multidisciplinary approach to examine victims and perpetrators of trauma and/or abuse. The role of the provider is also explored. Forensic photography, injury patterns, and evidence co...
NUR3973 Criminalistics and the Investigation of Injury and Death Developing empirical knowledge in forensics related to the investigation of injury and death. Specialized topics in Forensic Pathology and clinical practice will be discussed.
NUR3974 Forensic Science Experiential Learning This capstone course is arranged to expand clinical application of theory content in forensic science. Clinical sites will be arranged with the coroner's office, emergency rooms, crime investigation units, prisons, or other clinical settings to suppo...
NUR3980 Childbearing Family A focus on childbearing families. The course addresses physical, psychosocial, cultural/spiritual and developmental needs related to pregnancy, birth, and care of the postpartum woman and newborn. A clinical component (NUR 3981) must be taken concurr...
NUR3981 Childbearing Family Laboratory Clinical component for NUR 3980.
NUR3985 Child and Family Health This course addresses normal growth and development, developmental variations, and family structure. This course provides the theoretical basis for NUR 3986, where knowledge and skills are applied. A concepts-based approach to learning enables the st...
NUR3986 Child and Family Health Lab Clinical component for NUR 3985.
NUR4700 Research Proposal Development Reflective nursing practice and education pose questions that challenge students to examine human responses, healing, and management of care. Students progress systematically through the scientific inquiry process in order to develop a nursing resear...
NUR4711 Nurse Readiness for Practice This laboratory course facilitates the graduating BSN student’s entry into the registered nursing profession. Includes application of the professional, legal/ethical, and leadership responsibilities of nursing practice in simulated learning activitie...
NUR4750 Complex Care No Description Set
NUR4751 Complex Care - Laboratory No Description Set
NUR4950 Comprehensive Health Care NUR 4950 Comprehensive Health Care facilitates the student’s understanding the higher level of patient care in acute and post-acute settings. It encompasses application of the physiologic, psychosocial, spiritual, and cultural aspects of nursing care...
NUR4951 Comprehensive Health Care Laboratory NUR 4951 is a clinical component of NUR 4950 and must be taken concurrently with NUR 4950.
NUR4960 Developing a Healthy Community A focus on the community as client. Students use the nursing process to assess, plan, implement, and evaluate health services given to marginally functional families and other vulnerable aggregates within the community. A clinical component (NUR 4961...
NUR4961 Developing a Healthy Community Laboratory Clinical component for NUR 4960.
NUR4971 NCLEX-RN Preparation Preparation for taking the NCLEX-RN. The process of the course is to enhance the graduate's ability to pass the NCLEX-RN on the first try. Includes test-taking and study skills as well as content information related to the NCLEX-RN. Will include an o...
NUR4973 Nursing Preceptorship This elective, clinical course provides focused study utilizing critical thinking and the nursing process in a selected clinical setting. This course is designed as a preceptorship: the opportunity to work one-on-one with an RN preceptor as a transit...