Department: Financial Econ & Info Sys.

Code Name Description
ACCT2000 Principles of Accounting I An introduction to fundamental accounting principles that include: the accounting cycle, records, classification of accounts, financial statements, accounting aids to internal control; current assets and liabilities; depreciation accounting; payroll...
ACCT2010 Principles of Accounting II An emphasis on the elements of accounting for corporations. Topics covered include: long-term liabilities; statement of cash flows; introduction to manufacturing accounting; and cost-volume profit analysis.Prerequisite: ACCT 2000
ACCT3000 Intermediate Accounting I An emphasis on accounting theory and practical application. Topics covered include: accounting process; financial statements; cash receivables; inventories; and plant, property, and equipment.Prerequisite: ACCT 2010 and MATH 1130 or higher
ACCT3010 Intermediate Accounting II A continuation of Intermediate Accounting I with the course covering long-term investments and assets, current and long-term liabilities, stockholders equity, and temporary and long-term investments.Prerequisite: ACCT 3000
ACCT3020 Intermediate Accounting III A further extension of accounting theory and practical applications through course topics such as: leases and pension plans; income tax allocations; in-depth analysis of cash flows and financial statements; effects of inflation on accounting; and fin...
ACCT3200 Managerial Accounting A course on the elements of managerial accounting, including: cost accounting principles and procedures; job and process cost accounting; budgets; standard costs; variable costing; profit-volume analysis; capital budgeting.Prerequisite: ACCT 2010 and...
ACCT3300 Federal Income Tax - Individual A course on income tax laws affecting individuals. Topics include: gross income exclusions; adjusted gross income; deductions from adjusted gross income; personal exemptions; and review of various income tax forms.Prerequisite: ACCT 2010
ACCT3350 Federal Income Tax - Organization An examination of income taxation of partnerships, corporations, estates, and trusts. Emphasis is placed on special corporate problems, personal holding companies, sub-chapter S corporations, and related matters.Prerequisite: ACCT 3300
ACCT3380 Tax Planning and Research An advanced federal income tax course examining tax research methods and the advantages of tax planning in the making of tactical and strategic management decisions. A problem-oriented course.Prerequisite: ACCT 3300
ACCT3390 Estate Planning A course that introduces the student to the estate planning process and includes an overview of Federal Estate and Gift Taxes, will, trusts, and powers of attorney. The student also learns various planning techniques to minimize Federal Estate and Gi...
ACCT3400 Governmental Accounting A course on accounting concepts and principles germane to government. Topics include budgetary controls and fund accounting systems.Prerequisite: ACCT 3010.
ACCT3700 Accounting and Information Systems An introduction to accounting information systems that examines the analysis, design, and implementation of both manual and computer-based systems, and compares their relative merits. Emphasis is given to accounting procedures and internal controls,...
ACCT4000 Advanced Accounting An introduction to specialized aspects of financial accounting. Topics include: partnerships; consolidations; branch and home office; estates and trusts; consignments and installment sales; fiduciary accounting; and liquidations.Prerequisite: ACCT 30...
ACCT4100 Auditing An examination of the theory and practice of auditing according to generally accepted auditing standards. The course includes the audit procedures for each transaction cycle and the preparation of auditors' reports. Prerequisite: ACCT 3020 and 3200;...
ACCT4150 EDP Auditing A multidiscipline course covering the theory and practice of auditing EDP systems using the case study method. Course topics include: framework; concerns and objectives; audit procedures; and management perspectives.Prerequisite: ACCT 3700 and 4100
ACCT4997 Directed Readings in Accounting Directed individualized reading.
ACCT6000 Accounting for Managers An examination of the application of financial and managerial accounting principles to the process of planning and controlling activities of an ongoing enterprise. Budgeting is examined as a means for implementing and communicating the planning proce...
ACCT6001 Financial Information for Managers This course provides an introduction to both financial and managerial accounting, and emphasizes the analysis and evaluation of accounting information from the perspective of both investors as well as managers in the processes of planning, decision-m...
ACCT6100 Advanced Auditing An advanced course on auditing and reporting. Auditing standards, auditing computer systems, legal liabilities, professional ethics, audit planning, sampling techniques, and internal auditing are studied.
ACCT6200 Advanced Managerial Accounting A managerial accounting course that develops skills in gathering and analyzing business information. Quantitative tools for gathering and analyzing data developed in three areas of management concern: planning and controlling current operations, spec...
ACCT6500 Contemporary Accounting Theory An advanced study of accounting theory that undertakes analyzing generally accepted accounting principles. Both historical and current principles as articulated by the AICPA, FASB, and other accounting organizations are reviewed. Additional topics in...
ACCT6700 Advanced Computer Applications to Accounting A course on the applications of computer software to accounting. Management issues are explored and include: security; automated and manual controls; audibility; backup/recovery; system integration and conversion considerations. Financial and manager...
ACCT6997 Directed Readings in Accounting Directed individualized readings. May be repeated if content or topic is different. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
BAN6000 Information Systems Management This course covers concepts, methodologies, and frameworks related to leading and managing the information systems functions in the organization. Topics include information systems strategic planning, acquiring information systems, and managing infor...
BAN6100 Spreadsheets for Business Analytics Spreadsheet tools like Excel are essential for working with data - whether for data analytics, business, marketing, or research. This course is designed to give you advanced working knowledge of Excel and how to use it to prepare, clean, and analyze...
BAN6200 Business Analytics for the Big Data Revolution This course provides you with the fundamental theories, concepts, and tools to understand the emerging role of Business Analytics in modern organizations, apply visualization techniques, and communicate with analytics professionals to effectively use...
BAN6300 Data Wrangling with SQL Much of the world's raw data—from electronic medical records to customer transaction histories—lives in organized collections of tables called relational databases. Being able to wrangle and extract data from these databases using SQL is an essential...
BAN6400 Data Mining for Big Data Analytics Big Data is the driver of the new digital economy. In this course, you will gain a better understanding of both well-established and cutting-edge methodologies, algorithms, techniques, and tools being employed to clean, prepare, and mine large volume...
BAN6450 Network Analytics Network analytics is used in the study of diverse structures such as the internet, interlocking directorates, transportation systems, epidemic spreading, metabolic pathways, web graphs, electrical circuits, and project plans. This course focuses on t...
BAN6500 Methods in Project Management This course combines project management topics with modern methods of software support. You will learn about initiating, planning, executing, monitoring/controlling, and closing processes of predictive project management. You will also learn about Ag...
BAN6550 Big Data This course covers methods for the design, implementation, and management of Big Data analytics. It focuses on technologies and modeling methods for large-scale, distributed analytics. Upon successful completion of the course, you will become familia...
BAN6600 Scripting for Business Analytics This course covers the use of scripting languages, such as Python or R, for data analysis and manipulation. You will learn how to import, clean, manipulate, analyze, and visualize data using scripting languages. Upon completion of this course, you wi...
BAN6650 Marketing Analytics In this course, you will gain an understanding of marketing analytics and its fundamental concepts. You will learn common methods used by marketers and learn how analytics plays a key role in digital marketing. You will explore how data are collected...
BAN6910 Special Topics in Business Analytics This special topics course addresses specialized and contemporary issues within the Business Analytics field of study.
BAN6997 Directed Readings in Business Analytics Directed individualized topics. Course content will vary as set forth in an approved syllabus. May be repeated when the content has changed. Repeatable for up to 6 credits if content has changed.
BAN7000 Integrated Capstone This capstone course provides you with an opportunity to apply your knowledge and skills in business analytics to a real-world problem. Through teamwork and collaboration, you will work on a project that requires analyzing data, identifying insights,...
ECON1000 Naked Economics This course introduces the core tenets of economic thought through a variety of disciplines, media, and mechanisms. Primary economic topics include: incentives and choice, the functioning of markets, public policy, poverty, fairness, information, and...
ECON1010 Introduction to Global Economic Issues This course will introduce students to the economic forces and controversies behind globalization. It will also provide background to students for an increased awareness and sensitivity to multicultural communities. Students are expected to develop s...
ECON2010 Principles of Microeconomics This course is a general introduction to microeconomics. It introduces microeconomic analysis of individual, firm, and industry choices in the market economy. Topics include marginal analysis, supply and demand analysis, market structures, factor mar...
ECON2015 Principles of Macroeconomics This course is a general introduction to macroeconomics which studies the economy as a whole. Topics covered include the determination of output and national income, economic growth, unemployment, inflation, the business cycle, fiscal policy, monetar...
ECON3010 Intermediate Microeconomics An advanced treatment of the major topics of microeconomics with additional emphasis on the free market, private enterprise, competition, and international trade and finance. Subject matter includes: theory of the firm, consumer behavior, resource al...
ECON3015 Intermediate Macroeconomics An advanced discussion of topics covered in macroeconomics, including: relationships among output, employment, interest rates, and prices; cause of change in these levels; role of government. Special emphasis on the distinctions among the Classical,...
ECON3020 Managerial Economics The application of economic theory to managerial practices including both public and private sector management. Various topics revolve around the nature of market structures and the business environment including: barriers to entry, product different...
ECON3100 Introduction to Econometrics A study of the analysis of quantitative data, with special emphasis on the application of statistical methods to economic and business problems.
ECON3110 Game Theory An introduction to the tool of game theoretic analysis with a strong emphasis on applications. The course covers both static and dynamic games as well as games with varying degrees of information. The breadth of applications spans labor economics, in...
ECON3200 Industrial Organization An advanced course in modern industrial organization that studies the rational functioning of markets. Topics include: coverage of price discrimination; vertical control; price competition; entry and accommodation; reputation; predation; and the adop...
ECON3220 Labor Economics An extensive study of the labor market, this course begins with an overview of demand and supply in labor markets and then explores a variety of topics including the relationship between pay and productivity; the earnings of women and minorities; col...
ECON3300 Money and Banking A focus on the study of money: its nature, its function in society, its role in the economy. Representative units include; commercial banking; central banking; international banking; the Federal Reserve System; and credit and its effect and regulatio...
ECON3310 Public Finance An analysis of government expenditures, redistribution programs, budgetary process, and financial methods; their economic impacts; and their political ramifications. Topics include: taxation and its economic effects; fiscal policy; and intergovernmen...
ECON3400 International Trade and Finance An advanced economics and finance course surveying topics in international trade and finance. Topics include: international trade theories; impacts of free trade, tariffs, quotas, and exchange controls; foreign exchange markets; balance of payments;...
ECON3409 Contemporary Issues in the Hawai'i Economy Course analyzes various issues in today's Hawaii economy. Topics include, but might not be limited to: economic diversification, the future of tourism, agriculture, high-tech, the military, construction, the local airlines, other industries, the role...
ECON3410 International Monetary Relations An advanced course surveying topics in international monetary relations. Topics include: balance of payments; foreign exchange markets; international payments adjustment; past and present international and European monetary arrangements.
ECON3420 Economic Development The study of the economic development theory and problems faced by less developed countries trying to achieve economic development. The influence of population, entrepreneurship, and values are also examined.
ECON3430 Environmental Economics Economic principles applied to the analysis of contemporary environmental problems and their potential solutions.
ECON3500 History of Economic Thought An examination of the historical underpinnings of the private enterprise system, its characteristics, vitality, and dynamism in the context of classical and democratic capitalism. The dynamic system is examined in relation to the freedom and welfare...
ECON3801 Economics of Social Activism This course introduces the ideas of various social causes through the spectrum of economic analysis. Students will be exposed to various issues through a variety of media including film, editorials, news coverage, guest speakers,
ECON3810 Contemporary Issues in the Hawai'i Economy Course involves various issues in today's Hawai'i economy, taught in the seminar format. Topics will include but will not be limited to: economic diversification; market structure; cost of housing; environmental issues; job opportunities and the wor...
ECON3900 Economic Issues of Asia Contemporary issues such as trade, immigration, development, and international institutions of concern to Asian economies.
ECON4450 The World Economy An examination of the complex set of internal and external variables that shape the progress and interrelatedness of economies of the world at various stages of development. Specific reference is made to selected data and reports.
ECON4900 Seminar in Economics A seminar in which students participate in class discussions and give oral presentations on contemporary economic issues. In addition, students will prepare a research paper on a topic of their choice. The issues discussed will vary depending on the...
ECON4997 Directed Readings in Economics Directed individualized readings.
ECON6000 Economics for Business Microeconomic and macroeconomic issues relevant to business managers. The course provides the tools necessary for efficient business decision-making and for an understanding of the economic environment in which business enterprises must operate. Topi...
ECON6001 Economics of Global Competitiveness and Strategy This course is based on materials developed by the Institute for Strategy and Competitiveness at Harvard Business School. This course explores the determinants of national and regional competitiveness. The course probes the ultimate determinants of a...
ECON6020 Managerial Economics Advanced applications of economic concepts in business decision-making. Oral and written presentations by seminar participants. Major topics include: practical applications of the theory of the firm; business decision-making under risk and uncertaint...
ECON6200 Industrial Organization An intensive analysis and evaluation of the theories, quantitative measures, and institutional descriptions associated with the structure, conduct, and performance that characterize industry. The operations of the business firms are studied, includin...
ECON6210 Economics of Managerial Strategy An analysis of the determinants and nature of strategy. This course considers how the structure of a firm's industry affects its strategic choices and optimal behavior. Topics discussed include: aspects of pricing, entry, and exit in concentrated ind...
ECON6400 International Trade and Finance An advanced study of selected problems in international trade including: trade theory and policy; current issues in free trade vs. protectionism; trade and economic growth; the international monetary system; multinationals and international capital m...
ECON6410 International Financial Markets Explorations of the functions of the international financial markets. Course topics include: foreign exchange rates and their determination; international payment adjustments; currency futures; international arbitrage; and international cash manageme...
ECON6450 The World Economy An examination of the complex set of internal and external variables that shape the progress and interrelatedness of economies of the world at various stages of development.
ECON6700 Economics of Electronic Commerce Students develop a strategic understanding of the evolving electronic marketplace based on fundamental economics of the digital economy. This is accomplished by working on case studies, group projects, and individual research papers. Topics include e...
ECON6809 Management of Financial Institutions This is a graduate level course designed to give the students management skills in the operation of financial institutions such as commercial banks, savings and loan associations, and credit unions as they face the complex issues of risk, regulation,...
ECON6997 Directed Readings in Economics Directed individualized readings. Repeatable for credit.
FIN2100 Financial Literacy This course provides students with a foundational understanding of personal finance principles and practices. Through readings, interactive discussions, case studies, and practical exercises, students will develop the knowledge and skills to make in...
FIN2200 Introduction to Personal Finance Patterns of individual and family earnings; budgeting principles, consumer credit practices and sources; insurance, savings, investment, and home ownership guidance. The course has been designed to be practical and comprehensive. Students cannot rece...
FIN3000 Business Finance A survey of finance and introduction to investments. Course units include: financial analysis, forecasting, and valuation; alternative sources of financing, including analysis of debt and equity securities from the viewpoints of both the firm and the...
FIN3200 Personal Finance Patterns of individual and family earnings; budgeting principles, consumer credit practices and sources; insurance, savings, investment, and home ownership guidance. The course has been designed to be practical and comprehensive.
FIN3300 Investments A fundamental course in investments. The course features: security analysis and portfolio management; analysis of financial statements; valuation of stocks and fixed-income securities; and the study of efficient diversification and risk-return manage...
FIN3400 Financing in the Money and Capital Markets A course on obtaining short-term funds and investing cash in marketable securities in the money markets; rating reviews in connection with the sale of bonds and preferred stock through private placement, negotiated, or competitive public offering; se...
FIN3500 Planning: Business Owners A course that focuses on common business problems and planning objectives. It includes business continuation issues, buy-sell agreements, stock redemptions, planning for the disability of a business owner, and managing risk in a closely held business...
FIN3510 Insurance and Financial Planning A course that discusses the basic concepts of risk management and insurance. It includes legal principles; different kinds of risks and insurance; and the insurance industry. It also focuses on the financial planning process that includes the time-va...
FIN3600 Trading Derivatives A course that covers the theory and application of futures, swaps, and options. It analyzes the valuation and risk of derivatives as well as focuses on the practical application of derivatives in debt and portfolio management.
FIN3610 Advanced Derivatives A continuation and extension of the study of a basic course in derivatives. The theory and application of futures, swaps, and options are reviewed. It includes advanced methods for the analysis of the valuation and the risk of derivatives in debt and...
FIN3650 Corporate Risk Management The course will make the student familiar with the mathematical and statistical concepts and methods of modern risk management, covering all modern types of risk (market risk, credit risk, and operational risk), their assessment and management. The r...
FIN3700 Real Estate Finance A basic course in real estate finance, focusing on methods, processes, and caveats. Course units include: money markets, interest rates, real estate financing; case illustrations demonstrating lending policies; typical problems involved in financing...
FIN3801 Corporate Risk Management The course will make the student familiar with the mathematical and statistical concepts and methods of modern risk management, covering all modern types of risk (Market Risk, Credit Risk, Operational Risk), their assessment and management. The risks...
FIN4997 Directed Readings in Finance Directed individualized readings.
FIN6000 Financial Management and Strategy The planning, acquisition, use, and management of the resources needed by a business concern. The course examines asset management, capital structure, portfolio management, and risk analysis. Investment decision theory and practice are studied, and q...
FIN6001 Complex Financial Decision Making This course provides students with fundamental financial knowledge using a case-based approach. Complex financial decisions in the new age of accelerated technological growth will be analyzed. Topics to be covered include project evaluation, security...
FIN6100 International Finance A seminar that includes contemporary issues in international finance. Technical financial issues of importance to international managers operating in the world arena are examined, as well as contemporary source material that focuses on current data.
FIN6170 International Financial Markets Explorations of the functions of the international financial markets. Course topics include: foreign exchange rates and their determination; international payment adjustments; currency futures; international arbitrage; and international cash manageme...
FIN6300 Investment Analysis An examination of topics such as: capital markets, security analysis, risk strategies, and portfolio selection from the perspective of the professional investment manager, all constituting the decision process in building and managing a portfolio. Me...
FIN6310 Portfolio Management A course that affords students the opportunity to actively select and manage investment portfolios that have varying objectives. Techniques for evaluating stocks, bonds, and options are discussed and used in the selection of these portfolios. Student...
FIN6400 Corporate Finance A course that presents the perspective of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and deals with advanced techniques for determining the capital budget and structure, dividend policy, risk analysis, long-term financing decisions, and forecasting. Financial...
FIN6445 Financial Management in Healthcare This course introduces MBA and professional students to healthcare's dynamic financial landscape and covers all aspects of the field's unique accounting/finance issues, reimbursements, coding, billing and budgeting as well as the complex regulatory e...
FIN6500 Planning: Business Owners A course that focuses on common business problems and planning objectives. It includes business continuation issues, buy-sell agreements, stock redemptions, planning for the disability of a business owner, and managing risk in a closely held business...
FIN6510 Insurance and Financial Planning A course that discusses the basic concepts of risk management and insurance. It includes legal principles; different kinds of risks and insurance; and the insurance industry. It also focuses on the financial planning process that includes the time-va...
FIN6530 Estate Planning A course that introduces the student to the estate planning process and includes an overview of Federal Estate and Gift Taxes, will, trusts, and powers of attorney. The student also learns various planning techniques to minimize Federal Estate and Gi...
FIN6600 Trading Derivatives A course that covers the theory and application of futures, swaps, and options. It analyzes the valuation and risk of derivatives as well as focuses on the practical application of derivatives in debt and portfolio management.
FIN6610 Advanced Derivatives A continuation and extension of the study of a basic course in derivatives. The theory and application of futures, swaps, and options are reviewed. It includes advanced methods for the analysis of the valuation and the risk of derivatives as well as...
FIN6650 Corporate Risk Management The course will familiarize the student with the mathematical and statistical concepts and methods of modern risk management, covering all modern types of risk (Market Risk, Credit Risk, Operational Risk), their assessment and management. The risks w...
FIN6700 Real Estate Finance A basic course in real estate finance, focusing on methods, processes, and caveats. Course units include: money markets, interest rates, real estate financing; case illustrations demonstrating lending policies; typical problems involved in financing...
FIN6997 Directed Readings in Finance Directed individualized readings. Repeatable for credit.
INS6801 Insurance, Risk Management, and Professionalism The course provides a thorough learning experience of risk management and insurance principles and of the Code of Professional Ethics of the American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters. Topics include insurable risks and financing...
INS6802 Property and Casualty This course presents commercial property loss exposures and insurance coverage, along non-insurance alternatives. Includes major property insurance policies and coverage available to organizations, also inland marine, ocean cargo, boiler, and machine...
IS5050 Modern Programming Fundamentals This is a course in the fundamentals of modern programming. It is meant to be a first programming course for students without a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or as a refresher course for computer professionals who have an interest in learning...
IS5060 Software Engineering Tools A comprehensive introduction to software applications development principles and practices. The course integrates systems analysis techniques with prototyping. The objective is to study the process by which effective software systems are brought into...
IS5070 Introduction to Hardware and Data Communications A survey of basic hardware and data communications principles. The course discusses topics in: machine programming sequencing and data structure addressing methods; processor evolution and design; memory structures; peripherals; fundamental communica...
IS6000 Contemporary Issues in the I.S. Profession A course designed for entering IS graduate students. The course: acquaints students with the theories of current and historical importance; introduces or reinforces the tenets of the scientific method; introduces the faculty, previews key concept are...
IS6005 Information System Management The course covers several broad areas: key IS and IT systems concepts; aligning technology strategy with business strategy; strategic management models; commonly used metrics for evaluating the performance, feasibility, and financial value of existin...
IS6006 Information Systems Management This course cover concepts methodologies and frameworks related to leading and managing the IS function in the organization, information systems strategic planning, acquiring information systems/technology, and managing information systems projects i...
IS6010 Applied Research Methods IS 6010 is a course in applied research methods. Its principal objective is to help students deepen their understanding of research analysis techniques and become proficient users and consumers of modern statistical analysis procedures. Participants...
IS6020 Modern Methods in Project Management A course that combines the study of traditional project management topics with modern methods of software support. Students study the planning, scheduling, operational management, and evaluation phases of project management. Particular emphasis is pl...
IS6021 Modern Methods in Project Management A course that combines the study of traditional project management topics with modern methods of software support. Students study the planning, scheduling, operational management, and evaluation phases of project management. Particular emphasis is...
IS6022 Methods in Project Management This course combines project management topics with modern methods of software support. Students study initiating, planning, executing, monitoring/controlling and closing processes of predictive project management. Students also experience Agile proj...
IS6040 Business Analytics This course introduces Business Analytics – an interactive and often-times visual process of exploring and analyzing data to find valuable insights that can be used for a competitive advantage. This course provides students with the fundamental conce...
IS6041 Business Analytics for the Big Data Revolution This course provides students with the fundamental theories, concepts and tools to understand the emerging role of business analytics in modern organizations, apply visualization techniques, and communicate with analytics professionals to effectively...
IS6050 Software Design and Construction This course provides an overview of software design and construction practice, with special emphasis on current platforms and emerging trends. Available topics include software development tools, programming languages, APIs, SDKs, architecture, datab...
IS6060 Systems Analysis and Design A comprehensive introduction to systems analysis and software design principles and practices. The course integrates object-oriented analysis with the use of modern prototyping software systems. The objective is to study the process by which effectiv...
IS6065 Database Management This course provides an overview of enterprise database management with a strong focus on systems based on the relational database model. Topics include conceptual modeling, logical and physical design, SQL programming, application development, data...
IS6066 Enterprise Data Management This course provides an overview of enterprise data management systems. Course topics include data modeling, SQL and NoSQL programming, data quality and integration, Big Data, database administration, and security. Students will investigate relationa...
IS6070 Systems Architecture A survey of basic hardware and data communications principles. The course discusses topics in: machine programming sequencing and data structure addressing methods; processor evolution and design; memory structures; peripherals; fundamental communica...
IS6100 Information Systems Management The course covers several broad areas: key IS and IT systems concepts; aligning technology strategy with business strategy; strategic management models; commonly used metrics for evaluating the performance, feasibility, and financial value of existin...
IS6101 Corporate Information Systems A required course for many graduate students at Hawai'i Pacific University. Its purpose is twofold: one, to ensure that all graduate students understand the building block concepts associated with modern computer and communications systems; and, two,...
IS6110 Comparative Software Engineering A rigorous academic experience that will help students master the fundamentals of modern systems analysis and design. Object-oriented methods and tools are introduced, studied, mastered and compared to structured methods in systems analysis and desi...
IS6120 Software Engineering Practicum A professionally relevant development experience that helps students master the fundamentals of modern systems design, development, and implementation. Working as members of a project team, students produce a software system that solves a nontrivial...
IS6130 Telecommunications A course in the technical and management aspects of modern telecommunications systems. Topics include: communications fundamentals; data and multimedia communications hardware and software; design and management of communications facilities and syste...
IS6190 Global Project Management Standards The course provides students with a functional knowledge of the global standards influencing project management. Standards have become a driving force in calling attention to the importance of project management. The course compares and contrasts the...
IS6200 Electronic Commerce Overview of the history, trends, and techniques involved in electronic commerce (EC) including: using the Internet for EC; business models for success in EC; marketing on the Internet; payment and fulfillment systems; privacy and security, regulatory...
IS6220 Portfolio and Program Management The course provides students with a functional knowledge of portfolio and program management. Key areas of focus include the Project Management Institute’s standards for portfolio management and program management. Students will comprehend the life c...
IS6230 Knowledge Management The course provides an awareness of current theories and best practices associated with Knowledge Management (KM). Using a seminar approach, IS 6230 will ask students to become expert in the areas of: identifying and valuing knowledge assets, properl...
IS6241 Decision Support and Expert Systems The structure, functions, capabilities, and limitations of decision support systems (DSS) are covered. Development tools and techniques for constructing DSS are investigated. The focus of this course is on intelligent DSS. Topics include, decision su...
IS6250 Global Information Systems The course examines opportunities and issues associated with the selection, development and best practices of global information systems. Topics include intranets, extranets, mobile and Web-based applications; sustainability and reliability of data c...
IS6260 Network Analysis Network analysis is used in the study of diverse structures such as the Internet, interlocking directorates, transportation systems, epidemic spreading, metabolic pathways, the Web graph, electrical circuits and project plans. This course focuses on...
IS6270 Management of Information Resources A course that addresses the problems and issues faced by managers of modern data or information centers. Topics include: organization; site selection; hardware and software acquisition; standards and procedures, job scheduling, IS-user relations, man...
IS6280 Data Mining for Business Intelligence Organizations have an ever-increasing availability of information and the area of Business Intelligence provides astute methodologies, technologies, and strategies for mining that enormous volume of data. In this course, participants will gain a bett...
IS6281 Data Mining for Big Data Analytics Big Data is the oil of the new digital economy. In this course, students will gain a better understanding of both well-established and cutting-edge methodologies, algorithms, techniques, and tools being employed to clean, prepare, and mine large volu...
IS6310 Advanced Topics in Hardware/Systems Theory A course in contemporary issues impacting on the creation and management of large-scale systems architectures. Concepts include: comparing methodologies for systems design and configuration; measuring and evaluating systems performance; identifying...
IS6320 Advanced Topics in Software Systems An advanced course for students interested in studying the formal processes by which large software systems are tested and evaluated. This course introduces several industry standard methods for validating, verifying, quantifying, and rating the effi...
IS6330 Advanced Issues in Connectivity An advanced course concentrating on contemporary issues in data and telecommunications. The course provides students with an opportunity to compare competing implementations for sharing all forms of information (data, voice, video, etc.) in a large...
IS6340 Information Systems Security A comprehensive introduction to information systems security. Topics include: system security analysis; security system design principles; tools to aid in security analysis; modern security practices; and testing. Using a combination of research and...
IS6341 Information Security Foundations This course provides a comprehensive introduction to information systems security and privacy. Topics include: system security analysis, security system design principles, security analysis tools, modern security practices, and testing. Using a combi...
IS6351 Information Security Management This course provides a comprehensive introduction to information security management. Topics include: Information Security Governance, Information Security Risk Management, Information Security Program Development and Management, Information Security...
IS6360 Big Data This course comprehensively covers methods for the design, implementation, and managing of Big Data analytics. This course is designed to be a hands-on learning experience with a focus on technologies and modeling methods for large-scale, distributed...
IS6370 Advanced Applications Development An advanced course intended for experienced microcomputer users, IS 6370 covers a variety of topics relating to the use of microcomputers in a business context. Topics include: data and applications sharing (OLE, DDE, ODBC); development of sophistica...
IS6380 Systems Forensics This course will provide the student of information systems with an insight into the complexities of computer systems forensics coupled with hands on experience. The course covers topics related to criminal justice, computer forensics, and computer t...
IS6381 Information Systems Forensics This course will provide an overview of systems forensics in an information systems environment. There will be a focus on acquiring evidence from computers, networks, and logs. Legal aspects such as preserving the chain of evidence, and the aspects o...
IS6390 IT Governance The course provides students with a functional knowledge of information technology (IT) governance. Key areas of focus include strategic alignments of IT and organization objectives, process management, oriented, controls-based, and measurement-drive...
IS6600 Human-Machine Interface: Usability Issues in IS Human-Machine Interface/Usability Issues examines ergonomic design and its relationship to safety, reliability and ease of use for humans working in complex technical environments. Topics include human factors research, cognition and perception, main...
IS6700 Technology Strategy A course designed to extend student knowledge regarding the processes of strategy formulation and policy evaluation. Students research and compare strategic initiatives based upon the timely application of information technology. Students also create...
IS6910 Special Topics in the Master of Science Degree in Business Analytics (MSBAIS) Program This is a special topics course in Information Systems that contains subject matter or content intended to address specialized issues that are contemporary within the Information Systems field of study.
IS6997 Selected Topics in Information Systems Directed individualized readings. Course content will vary as set forth in an approved syllabus. May be repeated when content has changed.
IS7000 Systems Integration As a capstone course, IS 7000, requires students to demonstrate that they have: (a) Mastered the core competencies of the Information Systems discipline; (b) acquired an advanced ability to analyze problems and fashion solution; and (c) developed the...
IS7100 Graduate Thesis/Applied Project Proposal Initial design and development of the MSIS thesis or major research project. Capstone course.
IS7150 Graduate Applied Project The Applied Project affords experienced graduate students an opportunity to demonstrate the advanced knowledge and skills associated with an MSIS degree holder. Students will create and submit a detailed proposal for an individual project of professi...
IS7200 Graduate Thesis/Applied Project Completion of MSIS thesis/applied project. Capstone course.
IS7300 MSIS Integrated Capstone A capstone seminar that focuses on the strategic perspective for aligning competitive strategy, core competencies, and the design and management of organizational systems consisting of three interacting subsystems: the enterprise; the IS function and...
IS7500 MSIS Integrated Capstone The course is a capstone seminar focusing on the strategic perspective for aligning competitive strategy, core competencies, and the design and management of organizational information systems. Additionally, the course includes a project allowing stu...
MIS2000 Information Tools for Business In this hands-on course you will learn to use the tools of a knowledge worker to help you take raw data and transform it into compelling information to be used for business decision making. You will sharpen your analytical and problem solving skills...
MIS3000 Foundations of Information Systems Information systems are an integral part of all business activities and careers. This course is designed to introduce students to contemporary information systems and demonstrate how these systems are used throughout global organizations. The focus o...
MIS3020 Information Systems Project Management This course introduces the basics of project management in an information systems context. Students will become familiar with the project life cycle and the supporting processes and knowledge areas. Particular emphasis is placed on the foundation pri...
MIS3050 Application Development The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the fundamental concepts and models of application development so that they can understand the key processes related to building functioning applications and appreciate the complexity of appl...
MIS3060 Systems Analysis and Design This course discusses the processes, methods, techniques and tools that organizations use to determine how they should conduct their business, with a particular focus on how computer-based technologies can most effectively contribute the way business...
MIS3065 Data and Information Management This course provides an introduction to the core concepts in data and information management. It is centered around the core skills of identifying organizational information requirements, modeling them using conceptual data modeling techniques, conve...
MIS3070 IT Infrastructure This course provides an introduction to IT infrastructure issues for students majoring in Information Systems. It covers topics related to both computer and systems architecture and communication networks, with an overall focus on the services and ca...
MIS3910 Special Topics in Management of Information Systems This is a special topics course in Management of Information Systems that contains subject matter or content intended to address specialized issues that are contemporary within the Management of Information Systems field of study.
MIS4000 Enterprise Architecture This course explores the design, selection, implementation and management of enterprise IT solutions with a focus on applications, infrastructure and their fit in business. Topics include frameworks and strategies for infrastructure management, syste...
MS6000 Decision Models for Managers This course introduces multivariate data analysis, forecasting and Management Science techniques as they are applied to managerial decision making. Applications will be drawn from the production, service and planning context as well as distribution a...
MS6110 Data Management Using Excel A course for developing a practical working knowledge of fundamental data management concepts that can be applied without using specialized statistical software. The content focuses on developing practical computer-based analytical skills and include...
MS6210 Management Decision Models This course focuses on the development of practical decision making skills, the analysis of real life problems, and the utilization of those skills in providing answers to those problems and includes - structuring and modeling decision problems; defi...
MS6997 Directed Readings in Management Science Directed individualized readings. Repeatable for credit.
RE3000 Principles and Practice of Real Estate The study of basic aspects of real estate; definition of land; real estate and real property; types of estates in land; types of ownership; types of conveyances and documents; certain Hawai'i statutes; physical and economic characteristics; agency; f...
RE3300 Real Estate Finance A basic course in real estate finance, focusing on methods, processes, and caveats. Course units include: money markets, interest rates, real estate financing, case illustration demonstrating lending policies; typical problems involved in financing r...
RE3400 Real Estate Law The study of property and brokerage law, and application of these to both personal real property investments, and real estate management. Course topics include: property rights and limitations; conveyancing; brokerage operations under state law; and...
RE4997 Directed Readings in Real Estate Directed readings in real estate.