Department: Natural Sciences

Code Name Description
AQUA1200 Global Aquaculture for Food Security and Conservation Students will learn about the interdisciplinary field of aquaculture which pays a critical role in global food production and aquatic ecosystem conservation. Topics to be covered include water quality, culture systems, nutrition, biology of fish and...
BIOL0900 Science Survey A course intended to prepare selected nursing and pre-medical studies majors for BIOL 2030 (Human Anatomy and Physiology) and BIOL 2050 (General Biology). It imparts a general knowledge of the fundamentals of chemistry and biology, as needed by stude...
BIOL1000 Introductory Biology An introductory survey of the major areas of the biological sciences designed to equip students with information enabling them to make rational, informed decisions about biologically relevant issues. The course includes topics such as cell structure...
BIOL1200 Human Biology Human Biology is a survey course for non-science majors covering topics such as the scientific method, human evolution, hierarchal anatomical structures (atoms to organs), and the normal physiology of organ systems in humans. Although an emphasis is...
BIOL1300 Nutrition: Eat Smarter This course is an introduction to nutrition and its relationship to health. Micronutrients are categorized by their function in the body (tissue guardians, antioxidants, energy generators, essential electrolytes, mineral power plants, blood fortifier...
BIOL1500 Conservation Biology An introductory undergraduate course designed to introduce students to the biological sciences. The course will emphasize the nature of biodiversity, the growing threats to biodiversity, and ecologically sound conservation and resource management pra...
BIOL1800 Human Biology For non-science majors. Selected biological topics relevant to humans, such as cancer, AIDS, environmental toxicants, STD's, genetic disorders; biological concepts necessary to the understanding of these problems and social implications. Preference...
BIOL2010 The Human Life Cycle An introduction to the biochemical and hormonal control of human growth and reproduction.
BIOL2030 Anatomy and Physiology I The first semester of a comprehensive introduction to the structure and function of the human body. The course includes topics such as gross body organization and related terminology, review of cell structure and function, anatomy and physiology of t...
BIOL2031 Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 2030. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL2032 Anatomy and Physiology II A continuation of BIOL 2030. The course includes topics such as the circulatory and immune systems, respiration, body fluid balance, urinary system, reproduction and inheritance, and human development.
BIOL2033 Anatomy and Physiology II Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 2032. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL2040 Microbes and Human Health A survey of the biology of microbes and their effects on human health designed to give health professionals an appreciation of the importance of microbes in our world as well as concepts of how to promote healthy microbial interactions and inhibit th...
BIOL2041 Microbes and Human Health Laboratory As a foundation course for many healthcare disciplines, the laboratory experience endeavors to illustrate and apply the principles of microbiology and sterile technique. This course should be taken concurrently or following BIOL 2040. It will meet ev...
BIOL2050 General Biology I The first semester of a rigorous introduction to modern biology for students intending to major in the natural sciences. The course includes topics related to biological structure and function, from the molecular level in cells to the integrated meta...
BIOL2051 General Biology I Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 2050. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL2052 General Biology II A continuation of BIOL 2050. The course covers the history and diversity of life in all its major forms, the principles of anatomy and physiology of plants and animals, and the ecological contexts and constraints that sustain life.
BIOL2053 General Biology II Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 2052. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL2060 Field Experiences in Natural History and Conservation This field course surveys the geology, climate and ecology of the island of Oahu and explores the approaches for the integrated management of its terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. The course is structured around the ahupua’a concept, the t...
BIOL2170 Ethnobotany: People and Plants An introduction to the history of human use of plants as food, medicine and materials, with emphasis on examples from the Hawaiian Islands. Patterns of cultural interchange promoting the collection and spread of knowledge of plants and their cultivat...
BIOL3010 Hawaiian Natural History The unique biota in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial habitats of the Hawai'ian Islands: evolutionary history, ecology, and human impacts on Hawai'ian ecosystems are focuses.
BIOL3011 Hawaiian Natural History Laboratory This laboratory course, companion of the Hawaiian Natural History lecture course (BIOL 3010), explores the geology, climate, and ecology of the Hawaiian Islands. Class activities involve field trips to diverse native habitats, documentation of natura...
BIOL3012 Hawaiian Natural History Field Studies This field course surveys the geology, climate and ecology of the island of O`ahu and explores the approaches for the integrated management of its terrestrial, freshwater and marine habitats. The course is structured around the ahupua`a concept, the...
BIOL3020 Plant Biology The evolution, comparative anatomy, physiology, and life cycles of members of the plant kingdom from algae to flowering plants.
BIOL3021 Plant Biology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 3020. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL3024 Algal Biology and Diversity This course will provide students with a basic understanding of algal biology, classification and evolutionary history as well as current information on the role of algae in marine ecosystems, global climate and human health. Emphasis will be placed...
BIOL3025 Algal Biology & Diversity Laboratory This course will accompany BIOL 3024 (Algal Biology and Diversity) to teach students how to identify local species of marine algae in the laboratory and, when possible, in the field. Students will also begin preparing their own herbarium of local mar...
BIOL3030 Comparative Animal Physiology Vertebrate and invertebrate mechanisms regarding gas exchange, food and energy metabolism, temperature, salt, water, and nitrogen regulation, bodily coordination, integration and information processing; adaptation to environment is emphasized.
BIOL3031 Comparative Animal Physiology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 3030. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL3034 Human Physiology A course designed to help students understand the major functional systems of the human body. Topics include: organ systems, biochemical interactions of cells and tissues, hormonal control, fluid dynamics and osmotic regulation, development, homeosta...
BIOL3035 Human Physiology Laboratory The Human Physiology Laboratory course complements BIOL 3034 lecture. The course helps students apply their knowledge by carrying out experiments in basic cellular functions (e.g., osmosis/diffusion), electrophysiology, sensory system physiology, ref...
BIOL3036 Human Anatomy Human Anatomy is an advanced introduction to basic gross anatomy from both a systems and regional approach. Topics include medical imaging and some common pathological conditions. This course complements BIOL 3034 Human Physiology.
BIOL3037 Human Anatomy Laboratory The Human Anatomy Laboratory course complements BIOL 3036 lecture. This course will enhance students learning and understanding of human anatomy by providing hands-on exercises and activities to explore human anatomy. The course will cover both gross...
BIOL3040 General Microbiology An introduction to the structure and function of microorganisms including genetics, metabolism, and comparative studies of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms; emphasis is on organisms of clinical significance.
BIOL3041 General Microbiology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 3040. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL3050 Genetics Classical genetics in light of modern advances in molecular biology, including identification and structure of genetic material, its arrangement and transmission, and the molecular studies of genes.
BIOL3054 Evolutionary Biology Current theories of the genetic basis of evolution, emphasizing the roles of isolation, migration and vicariance, adaptation, and natural selection in the phylogenetic history and distribution of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
BIOL3060 Marine Invertebrate Zoology An evolutionary perspective emphasizing functional morphology and life histories of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial invertebrates.
BIOL3061 Marine Invertebrate Zoology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 3060. A $45 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL3070 Marine Vertebrate Zoology An examination of the diversity, evolution, comparative morphology, and physiology of fishes. The course surveys marine reptiles, birds, and mammals.
BIOL3071 Marine Vertebrate Zoology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 3070. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL3080 Ecology A study of the adaptive structure and function at the individual, population, community, and ecosystem levels; theoretical and experimental studies pertaining to the distribution and abundance of marine, freshwater, and terrestrial organisms.
BIOL3081 Ecology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 3080. An introduction to the collection and analysis of data pertaining to the distribution and abundance of organisms, and the writing of scientific papers. Includes the critical reading and evaluation of the scientific...
BIOL3090 Biometry This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of statistics and focuses on hypothesis testing, experimental design, and the interpretation of statistical results. Course lectures cover summary statistics, normality diagnostics, Z-sc...
BIOL3170 Cell and Molecular Biology Principles governing metabolism, reproduction, genetics, and other aspects of biological activity at the cellular level in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
BIOL3171 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 3170. A $75 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL3810 Human Anatomy A comprehensive study of the Human Anatomical Systems at the cellular, tissue, and gross anatomy level.
BIOL3850 Biology and Diversity of Hawaiian Algae This course will provide students with a basic understanding of algal biology, classification and evolutionary history as well as current information on the role of algae in marine ecosystems, global climate and human health. Emphasis will be placed...
BIOL3851 Algal Biology and Diversity Laboratory This course will accompany BIOL 3850 (Algal Biology and Diversity) to teach students how to identify local species of marine algae in the laboratory and, when possible, in the field. Students will also begin preparing their own herbarium of local mar...
BIOL3930 Nutrition and Society A seminar course investigating current philosophical, societal, and scientific issues in the field of nutrition. Topics include the role of nutrition in holistic health and preventive medicine, food and behavior, world hunger, eating disorders, nutri...
BIOL3940 Biology and Human Health Seminar Series This is a seminar course for Biology-Human Health and Pre-Health Professions students. Guest speakers will present and discuss current topics in health to expose students to various complex topics in healthcare.
BIOL4020 Cancer Biology Cancer Biology considers perspectives in population epidemiology cell growth pattern/rates, carcinogens, and molecular interactions in a number of the more prevalent cancers within the lat 20 years. This course will provide beneficial background info...
BIOL4024 Algal Biology and Diversity This course will provide students with a basic understanding of algal biology, classification and evolutionary history as well as current information on the role of algae in marine ecosystems, global climate and human health. Emphasis will be placed...
BIOL4030 Cell and Molecular Biology Principles governing metabolism, reproduction, genetics, and other aspects of biological activity at the cellular level in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
BIOL4031 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 4030.
BIOL4040 Environmental Microbiology General microbiological principles emphasizing the nature of the microbial world, microbial metabolism, and energetics, microbial diversity, population interactions, human interactions. Emphasis is on the importance of micro-organisms in the biospher...
BIOL4041 Environmental Microbiology Laboratory Laboratory component of BIOL 4040. A $45 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
BIOL4050 Developmental Biology Developmental Biology is the study of early eukaryotic development of multi-cellular organisms, from fertilization to the development of primordial organ systems. The course will introduce students to several biological models currently used in labor...
BIOL4090 Biometry Theoretical foundations and practical application of statistics to the synthesis, representation and analysis of data sets from marine, environmental and biomedical sciences. Through homework sets and the use of computer software applications, studen...
BIOL4210 Neuroscience Examination of the organization and function of the nervous system at molecular, cellular and systemic levels.
BIOL4220 Immunology An examination of immune system organization and function at molecular, cellular and systemic levels. Evolution and development of individual immunity, the role of the immune system in defense and disease, immune system dysfunction, and immunotherape...
BIOL4800 Ornamental Fish Aquaculture An introduction to the field of tropical marine ornamental fish aquaculture. The course will cover the scientific basis for fish production using environmentally acceptable methods. The course will also introduce students to the techniques of recircu...
BIOL4940 Biology Seminar A critical analysis of recent biological literature. Includes formal seminars, informal group discussions, a comprehensive review article, and research project proposal. Capstone course.
BIOL4950 Biology Practicum Practicum research for students working on special topics in biology under the direction of the biology faculty. Repeatable up to 12 credits.
BIOL6040 Environmental Microbiology General microbiological principles emphasizing the nature of the microbial world; microbial metabolism; and energetics, microbial diversity, population interactions, and human interactions. Emphasis is on the importance of micro-organisms in the bios...
BIOL6090 Advanced Biometry Theoretical foundations and practical application of statistics to the synthesis, representation and analysis of data sets from marine, environmental and biomedical sciences. Students will use computer software applications to analyze case studies pr...
BIOL6120 Ichthyology Icthyology is the study of fish biology. This course will cover areas of systematics, evolution, anatomy, physiology, behavior, ecology, biogeography, and conservation of fishes. This course will emphasize the incredible diversity of fishes and compa...
BIOL6170 Larval Biology Biology of embryos, larvae and juveniles of marine animals including freshwater species with marine larvae. Topics include life history differences, evolutionary transitions between developmental modes, parental investment, and dispersal, feeding and...
BIOL6210 Neuroscience Examination of the organization and function of the nervous system at molecular, cellular, and systemic levels.
BIOL6220 Immunology An examination of immune system organization and function at molecular, cellular, and systemic levels. Evolution and development of individual immunity, the role of the immune system in defense and disease, immune system dysfunction, and immunotherap...
CHEM1000 Introductory Chemistry An introductory survey of chemistry designed to equip students with information that will enable them to make rational, informed decisions about chemically relevant issues. Includes fundamental chemical principles as well as applications of chemical...
CHEM1020 Introduction to Chemistry and the Environment A one-semester introduction to chemistry for students with a major or minor in environmental studies. The course will stress basic chemistry with applications that relate to the environment and set chemistry in its political, economic, social, and et...
CHEM1021 Introduction to Chemistry and the Environment Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 1020. This course will introduce and develop principles of quantitative and qualitative techniques and safety awareness and appropriate safety precautions. Laboratory experiments will be related to material covered in lec...
CHEM2030 Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry A basic introduction to organic chemical groups such as alkanes, alkenes, aromatic compounds, esters, acids, amines, and alcohols; molecules of special importance in the body such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and enzymes.
CHEM2050 General Chemistry I This is the first of a two-semester course on the fundamental chemical principles for students intending to major in the natural sciences. Chemical topics covered in this course include the atomic-molecular basis of matter, chemical reactions, stoich...
CHEM2051 General Chemistry I Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 2050. A $75 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
CHEM2052 General Chemistry II Continuation of CHEM 2050. Chemical topics covered in this course include intermolecular forces, the structure of solids, solution properties, chemical kinetics and equilibrium, acid-base equilibrium, thermodynamics, and electrochemistry
CHEM2053 General Chemistry II Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 2052. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
CHEM3010 Fundamental Organic Chemistry A one-semester organic chemistry course that provides a chemical foundation to understanding biological processes. Organic compounds are built on carbon frameworks and are the principal chemical class in all biological organisms. We will learn what t...
CHEM3020 Physical Chemistry I Physical and mathematical principles of chemistry. Topics include the first and second laws of thermodynamics, free energy, phase equilibrium, chemical equilibrium, and kinetics (empirical rate laws, Arrhenius equation, reaction mechanics, collision...
CHEM3022 Physical Chemistry II A continuation of CHEM 3020. Physical and mathematical principles of chemistry. Topics include: quantum mechanics (atomic orbitals, molecular orbitals, quantization of rotational and vibrational motions, and principles of molecular spectroscopy) and...
CHEM3023 Physical Chemistry Laboratory Laboratory component of Physical Chemistry. Exercises are designed to reinforce concepts learned in CHEM 3020 and 3022, including topics from classical thermodynamics, kinetics, and molecular spectroscopy.
CHEM3030 Organic Chemistry I This is the first of a two-semester course on the chemistry of carbon-containing compounds. Organic molecules are the functional components of living organisms, the food we eat, the drugs we take, the clothes we wear, the fuels we burn, and most of t...
CHEM3031 Organic Chemistry I Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 3030. By applying concepts from the lecture course, students learn to synthesize, purify, analyze, and model organic compounds. Reactions include substitutions, eliminations, esterifications, and additions in order to syn...
CHEM3032 Organic Chemistry II Continuation of CHEM 3030. Building on basic skills and concepts from the first semester, students learn the nomenclature, structure, and reactivity of alcohols, ethers, epoxides, conjugated alkenes, aromatic compounds, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic...
CHEM3033 Organic Chemistry II Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 3032. This course will continue to develop the synthesis, purification, and instrumentation techniques and skills required to: conduct a modernized oxidation reaction (IBX), an air and moisture sensitive organometalics re...
CHEM3040 Quantitative Analysis Theoretical principles of techniques used in the separation and analysis of chemical substances. Topics include sources and statistical treatment of measurement error, charge and mass balance, complex equilibria, and methods of analysis (gravimetric,...
CHEM3041 Quantitative Analysis Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 3040. A $45 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
CHEM3042 Instrumental Analysis Theoretical principles of important analytical instruments used in the chemical field. Topics include atomic and molecular spectroscopy (components of optical instruments, atomic emission and absorption, ultraviolet-visible light and infrared spectro...
CHEM3043 Instrumental Analysis Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 3042. Students apply theoretical knowledge to operate advanced instruments to conduct chemical analyses. Topics include components of optical instruments, ultraviolet-visible light spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy,...
CHEM3050 Environmental Chemistry Basic and applied chemistry of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere, with emphasis on natural global biogeochemical cycles and perturbations caused by human activities.
CHEM3054 Aquatic Chemistry Applications of chemical principles to describe processes controlling the composition of natural water systems.
CHEM3060 Inorganic Chemistry Descriptive survey of chemistry beyond that of carbon-based compounds. Topics include atomic structure, periodic trends, bonding theory, acids and bases, molecular orbitals, coordination compounds, and organometallic compounds.
CHEM4020 Advanced Organic Chemistry This course will focus on modern organic synthesis strategies and methodologies, with a strong emphasis on mechanistic understanding of these reactions. Topics include advanced reactions and general synthesis strategies that are currently used in fie...
CHEM4030 Biochemistry I Biochemistry is the study of structure and function of macromolecules, basic biochemical principles, and metabolic and information pathways of living organisms. This course is an introduction to the extensive and rapidly-expanding field of biochemist...
CHEM4031 Biochemistry I Laboratory Laboratory component of CHEM 4030. This course provides a hands-on teaching environment to simulate the student research experience and to develop independent laboratory skills. Students will become familiar with basic biochemical laboratory skills,...
CHEM4032 Biochemistry II This course is the second half of a two-semester survey of the vast and growing field of biochemistry. Topics include biosynthesis of the four macromolecules with focus on nucleic acids and protein biosynthesis and the regulation and expression of ge...
CHEM4033 Biochemistry II Laboratory This course serves as the laboratory component of the associated lecture course CHEM 4032. It will enhance the student research experience and guide students in developing independent laboratory skills. Unlike a conventional laboratory course, this c...
CHEM4054 Aquatic Chemistry Applications of chemical principles to describe processes controlling the composition of natural water systems.
CHEM4095 Biochemistry Seminar This course is a critical analysis of recent biochemical literature. It includes formal seminars, informal group discussions, analysis of a comprehensive review article, and the development of a research proposal. Capstone course.
CHEM4900 Research Fundamentals This course will serve as the first of 2 research capstone courses for students in the B.S. in Chemistry-Conventional Concentration degree program, or as an unrestricted elective for other natural science majors. In this course, students will work wi...
CHEM4901 Senior Research Senior Research in the second of 2 research capstone courses for student majoring in B.S. Chemistry – Conventional Concentration. Under the supervision of a faculty mentor, students will conduct the planned research project that they designed in CHEM...
CHEM4910 Senior Seminar Senior Seminar designed to immerse students intensively in the primary literature of chemistry. Students will present critical reviews and analysis of recent chemical research, participate in group discussions, write a literature review, and develop...
CHEM4911 Senior Research This course is the second in a capstone sequence for the chemistry degree (Senior Seminar and Senior Research), designed to expose students to ‘real-world’ research situations and environments. They will undertake interesting projects where the expec...
CHEM4920 Special Topics in Chemistry Selected topics in chemistry for upper division science students. A single topic may be explored in depth, or a related series of topics may be addressed. May be team taught.
CHEM4950 Practicum Repeatable up to 12 credits
CHEM4951 Practicum No Description Set
CHEM4952 Practicum No Description Set
CHEM4984 Practicum No Description Set
CHEM6310 Marine Natural Products Chemistry Marine microbes, algae, and invertebrates are productive sources of structurally diverse, biologically active, and ecologically significant natural products. This course will cover the structures, biosyntheses, biological activities, isolation method...
ENVS1000 The Sustainability Challenge What is sustainability and what challenges are we facing now and in the future? What is my impact and what can I do about it? In the course, students will learn about the “three-legged stool” (economic, environmental, and social) of sustainability an...
ENVS1020 Introductory Meteorology A survey of the physical and chemical principles of atmospheric science applied to elementary descriptions and interpretations of atmospheric phenomena.
ENVS1030 Tropical Ecology and Sustainability This is a field-based course looking at tropical environmental systems and sustainability through a field trip to one of the Hawaiian Islands or Costa Rica. The field trip provides an overview of natural history and the science of tropical ecosystems...
ENVS1040 Introduction to Fresh Water Systems A survey of the biology, chemistry, physics, and geology of fresh water systems such as lakes, wetlands, and rivers.
ENVS1500 Natural Disasters The Earth experiences natural disasters as a result of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, landslides, flooding, storms, drought and wildfires. These events dramatically impact humanity and the environment. Increasing population and poor land use practi...
ENVS2000 Principles of Environmental Science An introduction to the analysis of environmental problems from a scientific perspective using fundamental principles from the biological and physical sciences.
ENVS2001 Principles of Environmental Science Laboratory Laboratory and field component of ENVS 2000. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
ENVS3000 Sustainability and the Environment Sustainability offers a rich framework for addressing complex human-environment interactions within our society; environmental science provides a basis for inquiry into how those interactions shape and are shaped by ecosystems. This course uses both...
ENVS3002 Applications of Environmental Science The course emphasizes the use of the scientific method and the results of scientific study to explore and understand issues of environmental concern. The major objective is the presentation of the human inhabited biosphere as a system amendable to st...
ENVS3003 Applications of Environmental Science Laboratory Laboratory and field component of ENVS 3002. A $75 lab fee will apply for all in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
ENVS3010 Environmental Impact Analysis Methods of assessing and predicting physical, chemical, biological, social, and economic impacts on the environment resulting from human activities. The course includes preparation and review of environmental impact reports.
ENVS3020 The Environmental Policy Process Students will examine the environmental policy making process from different points of view, whether as an environmental scientist or citizen activist, at different government levels (city, state or federal), and across different media (air, water, w...
ENVS3030 Earth Systems and Global Change Natural and human-induced variability and change in the earth environment on a global scale. Interactions among lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, ecosphere, and the human dimension of global change.
ENVS3040 Introduction to Environmental Engineering This course provides an introduction to environmental engineering. The fundamental principles of science and engineering will be applied using quantitative analysis of environmental issues. Topics covered include mass and energy balances, risk asse...
ENVS3090 Science and the Modern Prospect No Description Set
ENVS3200 Photovoltaic Systems Design This course introduces the fundamental principles of solar energy and photovoltaic systems design. It includes the design of a safe, code-compliant photovoltaic system and preparation of permit-quality technical drawings. The course provides the skil...
ENVS3400 Hydrology and Water Resources Water is critical for the survival of human civilization, and water resource issues have important consequences for human health, food systems, energy, and society. This course will explore the mechanics, distribution, timing, availability and manage...
ENVS3600 Natural Resource Management Sound management principles applied to limited resources such as energy, water, and food.
ENVS3801 Applications of Environmental Science Laboratory Applications of Environmental Science Laboratory will emphasize the use of the scientific method and the results of scientific study to understand and resolve environmental concerns. The major objective of this class will be the presentation of the...
ENVS3802 The Environment of Hawaii The natural, volcanic landscape and ecology of parts of the island of Hawaii and their interrelationships with Hawaiian culture are explored in this field-based course
ENVS3803 Photovoltaic Systems Design This course introduces the fundamental principals of solar energy, photovoltaic modules an the design of a safe, code-compliant photovoltaic system. The course provides the skills suitable for a supervised, entry level position in the photovoltaic i...
ENVS3838 Environmental Law and Policy Local, state, and federal laws and regulations that relate to human impacts on the environment.
ENVS4000 Methods of Environmental Science This course will present advanced analytical technologies current in real world applications of environmental science. Computer-driven data analysis, modeling, and presentation technology has become vital to the understanding and reporting of problem...
ENVS4001 Methods of Environmental Science Laboratory Laboratory component of ENVS 4000.
ENVS4030 Applied Geographic Information Systems The availability of digital geographic information has resulted in a need for professionals in many disciplines to use these data to benefit humanity and nature. This course will provide a practical, hands-on approach to spatial data analysis using G...
ENVS4040 Sustainable Building Science This course examines the fundamentals of integrated building design, including the history, science, and technology of green building. Emphasis is placed on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and this course helps...
ENVS4050 Remote Sensing The physics and techniques of remote sensing presented through an exploration of physical characteristics of terrestrial and marine environments.
ENVS4060 Geographic Information Systems 2: Spatial Analysis Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provide tools for quantifying and describing spatial data to answer research and management questions. In this course students will use ArcGIS to describe the distribution of features, and to discern patterns and...
ENVS4070 Industrial Ecology Industrial Ecology (IE) is the systematic study of how materials and energy flow within our current linear industrial production systems and interact with the environment and human communities. IE seeks to redesign those conventional systems and move...
ENVS4100 Society and Environment: Contemporary Issues Seminar A critical analysis of contemporary environmental issues that face society. The course includes formal seminars, informal group discussions, and a comprehensive review paper. Capstone course.
ENVS4200 Business and Environment: Contemporary Issues Seminar A critical analysis of contemporary environmental management issues. The course includes formal seminars, informal group discussions, and a comprehensive review paper.
ENVS4300 Advanced Photovoltaic Systems Design This is an advanced course in photovoltaic systems design for people considering a career in the solar electric industry. The detailed design of stand-alone and utility-interactive photovoltaic systems is covered with emphasis on compliance with the...
ENVS4400 Environmental Science Seminar A critical analysis of recent environmental scientific literature. The course includes formal seminars, informal group discussions, a comprehensive review article, and a research project proposal.
ENVS4600 Environmental Science Research The execution of the research project proposed in ENVS 4400. The course includes oral status reports, a final written report, a final formal seminar, and a poster presentation of research project results.
ENVS4950 Environmental Studies Practicum Senior practicum opportunity in environmental studies.
ENVS6010 Global Climate Change This course discusses the history of the Earth’s climate since its formation to the present time. Focus will be placed on natural mechanisms that cause large-scale, global climate change, from the long-term to the abrupt, and how anthropogenic climat...
ENVS6020 Advanced Photovoltaic Systems Design This is an advanced course in photovoltaic systems design for people considering a career in the solar electric industry. The detailed design of stand-alone and utility-interactive photovoltaic systems is covered with emphasis on compliance with the...
ENVS6030 Sustainable Energy Systems This course examines energy systems, including resource estimation, environmental effects and economics. The current mix of energy sources and technologies are examined along with sustainable options, with an emphasis on quantitative analysis based o...
ENVS6032 Applied Geographic Information Systems The availability of digital geographic information has resulted in a need for professionals in many disciplines to use these data to benefit humanity and nature. This course will provide a practical, hands-on approach to spatial data analysis using G...
ENVS6040 Sustainable Building Science This course examines the fundamentals of integrated building design, including the history, science, and technology of green building. Emphasis is placed on the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system and this course helps...
ENVS6050 Watershed and Wetland Systems An integrated view of ecological systems. An introduction to concepts in geomorphology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, primary production, carbon cycling, and abiotic and biotic controls on nutrient cycling. Emphasis on research investigating the effect...
ENVS6060 Geographical Information Systems 2: Spatial Analysis GIS is about getting answers to questions so you can make intelligent decisions. In this course you will use ArcGIS to describe the distribution of a set of features, and to discern patterns and measure relationships among these features. Topics in t...
ENVS6070 Conservation and Sustainability in the Tropics This summer graduate course consists of a two week travel component to a tropical ecosystem, after a four week online introduction to the issues and questions involved in understanding the impact of humans on tropical ecology and sustainability. Stud...
ENVS6150 Environment, Power and Society With the publication of Environment, Power, and Society in 1971, H.T. Odum changed the lives of countless individuals; altering their worldviews by starting them along a quantitative, systems-oriented path toward holistic thinking. This course will i...
ENVS6200 Advanced Photovoltaic Systems Design This is an advanced course in photovoltaic systems design for people considering a career in the solar electric industry. The detailed design of stand-alone and utility-interactive photovoltaic systems is covered with emphasis on compliance with the...
ENVS6300 Modeling and Simulation This course introduces concepts of analytical modeling and computer simulation to improve and assist in the understanding of and decision-making about environmental systems. Topics include: introduction of modeling and simulation concepts; review of...
ENVS6920 Special Topics in Environmental Science The title, content and pre-requisites for this course will vary with instructor and need in the program. The course may be repeated when the title and content have changed.
GEOL1000 The Dynamic Earth An introductory survey of the geology of the earth. Topics include geologic time and earth history, internal earth processes (plate tectonics, volcanoes, earthquakes), and surface processes (streams, coasts, climate).
GEOL1800 Natural Disasters No Description Set
GEOL2000 Physical Geology: The Science of Earth A comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of geology for students intending to major in the natural sciences. Topics include formation and evolution of the earth, as well as a broad range of surface and internal geological processes
GEOL3010 Volcanoes: Effects on Humanity and the Environment This course explores the different types of volcanoes on Earth. Case studies of historical and prehistorical eruptions will examine the effects of volcanic eruptions on humanity and the environment. Planning and prediction of volcanic eruptions will...
GEOL3020 Hydrogeology Quantitative treatment of the freshwater components of the hydrologic cycle including stream flow, ground water flow, and water quality.
GEOL3030 The History of Life and the Earth This course explores the history of life and of planet Earth recorded in the rocks and fossils from the ocean and continents. We will investigate topics such as early Earth, the earliest life forms, emergence and diversification of life forms through...
GEOL3040 Geochemistry A chemical view of the composition of the earth and its component parts, including the present distribution of chemical species and their movement over time.
GEOL3821 Hydrogeology Laboratory Applications of hydrogeology explored in computer based labs modeling surface and ground water behavior. Field component introduces field methods and explores local hydrogeologic resources.
GEOL3950 Geology Practicum Geology practicum.
GEOL4010 Contaminant Hydrogeology This course examines theoretical and practical considerations of the fate and transport of contaminants through porous geologic materials. Topics include physical and chemical processes governing the transport of contaminants in groundwater; multipha...
GEOL4950 Geology Practicum Geology Practicum.
GEOL5800 Earthquake! No Description Set
GEOL6010 Contaminant Hydrogeology This course examines theoretical and practical considerations of the fate and transport of contaminants through porous geologic materials. Topics include physical and chemical processes governing the transport of contaminants in groundwater; multipha...
MARS1000 Introductory Oceanography An elementary survey of the geology, chemistry, physics, and biology of the oceans. Topics include: ocean basin morphology, plate tectonics, sedimentation, major and minor components of seawater, ocean circulation, waves, tides, plankton, nekton, and...
MARS1010 Field Experience in Marine Science This field intensive course is designed to introduce students to Hawaii's unique tropical marine environment with an emphasis on coral reef survey methods and ocean safety. Lecture and lab topics include natural history of the Hawaiian Islands, ocean...
MARS1020 Oceanographic Field Techniques An introduction to working safely and efficiently from a coastal research vessel. Topics include: maritime terminology, positioning and navigation, basic maritime weather, shipboard sampling, and measurement techniques. The course includes lectures a...
MARS1040 Introduction to SCUBA Diving and Marine Life in Hawaii Skin diver and Scuba diver skills are taught in the context of using these skills to safely dive in open water in a range of the underwater environments and conditions. As part of the course, students will earn NAUI (National Association of Underwate...
MARS1500 Marine Biology and Global Oceans The oceans and atmosphere impact and are impacted by virtually all life on earth and our knowledge of the diversity and consequences of anthropogenic impacts on these systems is growing steadily. This course will provide a foundation of knowledge on...
MARS2010 Scientific SCUBA Diving MARS 2010 is a freshman level course that covers SCUBA diving skills and techniques. The course is taught within the context of using these techniques for marine biological and oceanographic field work. PADI Open Water, Advanced, Rescue Diver, Emer...
MARS2050 General Oceanography I The first semester of a comprehensive introduction to modern oceanography. Topics include: earth history, plate tectonics, geophysics, geochemistry, marine sediments, the hydrosphere, physical properties of salt water, major and minor components of...
MARS2051 General Oceanography I Laboratory Laboratory and field component of MARS 2050.
MARS2052 General Oceanography II A continuation of MARS 2050. Topics include: weather and climate, ocean circulation, waves, tides, coastal oceanography, biological productivity, planktonic and benthic organisms, marine communities and ecology.
MARS2053 General Oceanography II Laboratory Laboratory and field component of MARS 2052.
MARS2060 Geological, Chemical, and Physical Oceanography A rigorous and comprehensive introduction to geological, chemical, and physical oceanography. Topics include: earth structure and composition, plate tectonics, sediments, the hydrosphere, properties of water and seawater, salinity, gases, nutrients,...
MARS2061 Geological, Chemical, and Physical Oceanography Laboratory Field and laboratory component of MARS 2060. Topics include: bathymetry, sediment sampling and size analysis, seawater sample collection, temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen measurement using in situ instruments, dissolved oxygen and plan...
MARS2062 Marine Biology A comprehensive introduction to marine biology. Topics will include principles of marine science, life in the marine environment, structure and function of marine ecosystems, and human impacts on the marine environment.
MARS2063 Marine Biology Laboratory Field and Laboratory component of Marine Biology 2062. This course provides experience with sampling, measurement, and data analysis techniques commonly used for field and laboratory work in marine biology. In addition, students will learn basic iden...
MARS2100 Marine Resource Management: Social, Ecological, and Cultural Dimensions Coastal communities throughout the world are highly reliant on ocean ecosystems, and threats to ocean resources places at risk the livelihoods, cultures, and economies of coastal people. In this course, students will develop and understanding of the...
MARS2110 Ocean Environment of the Pacific Islands An introduction to the oceanography and the technologies for operating at sea. The concepts of navigation (piloting, celestial, and electronic), and physics of sail are taught from their bases in astronomy, mathematics, and equipment, the methodologi...
MARS2801 Introduction to Marine Science Laboratory The laboratory course will provide students with an introduction to fieldwork in oceanography. The course will utilize the R/V Kaholo to demonstrate oceanographic field techniques and instrumentation. Students will also use computer software to man...
MARS2803 Marine Mammal Biology This is a survey course of marine mammal biology. The course covers phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, ecology and behavior of marine mammals.
MARS3000 General Oceanography An introduction to geological, physical and chemical oceanography. Topics include: earth history, plate tectonics, geophysics, geochemistry, marine sediments, physical properties of salt water, major and minor components of seawater, ocean-atmosphere...
MARS3001 General Oceanography Lab Laboratory and field component of MARS 3000. Students will practice making oceanographic measurements and will summarize their findings in scientific reports. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
MARS3002 Ocean Biology An introduction to biological oceanography and marine biology. This course surveys the vast biodiversity of the oceans from marine viruses and bacteria to invertebrates, fishes, marine reptiles, mammals, and seabirds. Topics include spatial and tempo...
MARS3003 Ocean Biology Lab Laboratory and field component of MARS 3002. Students will learn how to sample phytoplankton and zooplankton in the field and to identify and quantify local plankton species in the lab. They will learn how to identify local coastal marine species fro...
MARS3010 Underwater Research Techniques Intermediate and advanced scientific SCUBA diving skills, techniques, and applications are taught in the context of using these skills to perform basic biological surveys of the nearshore marine environment. The course includes lectures and field ses...
MARS3050 Biological Oceanography This course emphasizes interactions of marine organisms with the physical environment. Students will learn how marine biota influence and are in-turn influenced by the chemistry, physics, and geology of the oceans. Topics include marine microbiology,...
MARS3060 Geological Oceanography Geological, geophysical, and geochemical principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: origin, structure, composition, and evolution of the earth, morphology of ocean basins and continental margins, plate tectonics, marine sedimentology and stra...
MARS3070 Chemical Oceanography Chemical and biological principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: the physical chemistry of seawater, salinity and the major ions, bio-limiting, bio-intermediate, and bio-unlimiting chemicals, dissolved gases, the DIC system, trace metals, h...
MARS3071 Chemical Oceanography Laboratory Laboratory and field component of MARS 3070.
MARS3080 Dynamic Physical Oceanography Basic physical and mathematical principles applied to ocean dynamics. Topics include: properties of seawater, physical laws and classification of forces, the equation of motion, turbulence, geostrophic flow, wind-driven circulation, thermohaline cir...
MARS3081 Dynamic Physical Oceanography Laboratory Laboratory and field component of MARS 3080.
MARS3084 Descriptive Regional Oceanography A qualitative treatment of driving forces for water movement, and detailed descriptions of wind-driven and thermohaline ocean circulation patterns in the major regions of the world ocean.
MARS3100 Maritime Law and Ocean Policy This course provides an overview of the legal framework within which marine management and conservation efforts must function. The complex mosaic of legal authorities will be examined, with relevant examples from local, state, federal and internation...
MARS3200 Scientific Diving I This is the first of a two-course sequence to train students in scientific diving based on guidelines from the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS). The course will cover AAUS training standards, including the history and regulations of sci...
MARS3201 Scientific Diving II This is the second of a two-course sequence to train students in scientific diving based on guidelines from the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS). The course will build on the theoretical training from the first course and expand on AAUS...
MARS3590 Marine Science Practicum No Description Set
MARS3800 Principles and Practices of Saltwater Aquaculture This course will cover basic principles of aquaculture, including water quality, microbial ecology, systems engineering, and animal nutrition. This course will illustrate how these principles are used in fish and crustacean culture. The course will...
MARS3802 Marine Mammal Biology This is a survey course of marine mammal biology. The course covers phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, ecology and behavior of marine mammals.
MARS3803 Marine Mammal Biology Laboratory This course aims to develop traditional laboratory, field, and computer skills to investigate marine mammal physiology and ecology. A broad range of topics will be covered including taxonomy, anatomy, population abundance and distribution, and marin...
MARS3880 Coral Reef Monitoring No Description Set
MARS3920 Research: Marine Biology No Description Set
MARS3930 Marine Science Seminar This seminar course is designed to expose undergraduate students to the latest developments and discoveries in Marine Science, by taking advantage of scientific presentations by professionals from inside and outside HPU. In this seminar, students wil...
MARS3950 Marine Science Practicum Junior practicum for students interested in working on special topics in Marine Science under the direction of the Marine Science faculty.
MARS4030 Marine Mammal Biology This is a survey course of marine mammal biology. The course covers phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, ecology and behavior of marine mammals.
MARS4031 Marine Mammal Biology Laboratory This course aims to develop traditional laboratory, field, and computer skills to investigate marine mammal physiology and ecology. A broad range of topics will be covered including taxonomy, anatomy, population abundance and distribution, health ass...
MARS4040 Seabird Ecology and Conservation Survey of phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, behavior and ecology of marine birds, with an emphasis on North Pacific species. The goal of this course is to provide students with the understanding of the ecology of these marine top predators and their ro...
MARS4050 Marine Ecology Application of ecological principles and methods to marine habitats are explored. Marine life, including plankton, nekton, neuston, and benthos, are studied in ecological settings from estuaries to the deep sea. Subject matter draws heavily from the...
MARS4051 Marine Ecology Laboratory Laboratory and field component of MARS 4050. BIOL 4090 is recommended.
MARS4060 Geological Oceanography Geological, geophysical, and geochemical principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: origin, structure, composition, and evolution of the earth, morphology of ocean basins and continental margins, plate tectonics, marine sedimentology and strat...
MARS4061 Geological Oceanography Laboratory Laboratory and field component of MARS 4060.
MARS4070 Chemical Oceanography Chemical and biological principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: the physical chemistry of seawater, salinity and the major ions, bio-limiting, bio-intermediate, and bio-unlimiting chemicals, dissolved gases, the DIC system, trace metals, hy...
MARS4071 Chemical Oceanography Laboratory Laboratory and field component of MARS 4070.
MARS4080 Physical Oceanography Basic physical and mathematical principles applied to ocean dynamics. Topics include: properties of seawater, physical laws and classification of forces, the equation of motion, turbulence, geostrophic flow, wind-driven circulation, thermohaline circ...
MARS4081 Dynamic Physical Oceanography Laboratory MARS 4081 is the laboratory and field component of MARS 4080. Students have the opportunity to get extensive hands-on experience with measurement and data analysis techniques commonly used in physical oceanography.
MARS4090 Biological Oceanography A survey of biological oceanography with an emphasis on the interactions of organisms with their physical and geochemical environment. Pelagic organisms spanning scales from the microbial loop to fisheries will be examined using energy flow, genetics...
MARS4100 Marine Resource Management: Culture and Sustainability Coastal communities throughout the world are highly reliant on ocean ecosystems, and threats to ocean resources places at risk the livelihoods, cultures, and economies of coastal people. In this course, students will develop strategies and leadership...
MARS4120 Coral Reef Ecology and Conservation Coral reef biology, ecology, and conservation are broadly covered through lecture and group discussion of primary literature and contemporary issues. Emphasizing Hawaiian reef ecosystems, topics include coral taxonomy, anatomy, reproduction, symbiosi...
MARS4210 Marine Fisheries and Management This course will cover major aspects of marine fisheries including the types of gears and practices used, life histories, the recruitment and population dynamics of harvested species, and the structure and assessment of stocks. An overarching theme w...
MARS4400 Marine Conservation Biology This course provides an overview of the ecological foundations of conservation biology, with an emphasis on the management of marine living resources. Lectures and assignments emphasize the theoretical foundations and the practical approaches to mari...
MARS4500 Marine Science Honors Seminar Marine Science Honors Seminar prepares students to conduct marine research for Marine Science Honors Research, MARS4600. The course focuses on the critical reading of the scientific literature to identify relevant research questions, and on the devel...
MARS4600 Marine Science Honors Research A supervised research project for students who completed a research proposal in the Marine Science Honors Seminar, MARS4500. The course requires oral status reports, a final written report, and a final formal seminar.
MARS4902 Marine Affairs Senior Seminar This course is the senior seminar requirement and capstone experience for the BA Marine Affairs degree. Students will examine the pressing problems in marine affairs, exploring different perspectives and sources of information. Students will select a...
MARS4910 Research Seminar in Marine Biology In this capstone course for Marine Biology majors, students carry out a senior research project in an area of interest within marine science. Students will first participate in ecological field work on the university's research vessel, using a variet...
MARS4911 Research Experience in Marine Biology In this capstone course for Marine Biology majors, students carry out a senior research project in an area of interest within marine science. Students will first participate in ecological field work on the univerity's research vessel, using a variety...
MARS4920 Research Experience in Oceanography In this capstone course for Oceanography majors, students carry out a senior research project in an area of interest within marine science. Students will participate in oceanographic field work on the R/V Kaholo, using a variety of instruments, and s...
MARS4921 Oceanography Research Seminar This seminar is associated with the capstone course for Oceanography majors, whereby students carry out a senior research project in an area of interest within marine science. In the seminar, technical aspects of research that include research planni...
MARS4930 Research Seminar in Oceanography This seminar is associated with the capstone course for oceanography majors, whereby students carry out a senior research project in an area of interest within marine science. In the seminar, technical aspects of research that include research planni...
MARS4931 Research Experiences in Oceanography In this capstone course for oceanography majors, students carry out a senior research project in an area of interest within marine science. Students will first participate in oceanographic field work on the R/V Kaholo, using a variety of instruments...
MARS4940 Advanced Marine Science Seminar This seminar course is design to expose undergraduate students to the latest developments and discoveries in a specific area of Marine Science selected by the instructor. In this seminar, students will critically evaluate the content and format of sc...
MARS4950 Senior Science Practicum Senior practicum opportunity for students anticipating working in the marine sciences after graduation.
MARS6000 Marine Systems I: Geological and Physical Oceanography Geological and physical principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: the configuration of the ocean basins, paleoceanography, sea level change, oceanic sedimentary resources and sediment production, distribution and transport; atmospheric circul...
MARS6002 Marine Systems II: Chemical and Biological Oceanography Chemical and biological principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: chemical composition of seawater, use of isotopes ocean science, marine microbiology, zooplankton and secondary production, benthic habitats and communities, nutrient and parti...
MARS6010 Toxicology and Stress Responses in Marine Communities Marine pollution is a problem that degrades habitat and exacerbates all other anthropogenic impacts to the marine environment. Using a case-study approach, this course explores 1) major types of marine pollution 2) the dynamics of specific classes of...
MARS6020 Marine Science Field Methods Marine Science Research will enable students to refine methodology for ship/boat based research and to begin collecting data using HPU's marine resources. This course is required for students requesting Kaholo time for thesis projects.
MARS6030 Marine Mammal Biology This is a survey course of marine mammal biology. This course covers phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, ecology and behavior of marine mammals.
MARS6040 Seabird Ecology and Conservation Survey of phylogeny, anatomy, physiology, behavior and ecology of seabirds and their role in marine ecosystems, with an emphasis on North Pacific species. Hands-on activities in the laboratory, field work and guest lectures by resource managers will...
MARS6050 Marine Ecology A graduate course emphasizing ecological interactions of marine organisms with their own and other species, and the physical environment. Designed to survey not only what is known about marine ecology, but how that knowledge was acquired, the course...
MARS6060 Geological Oceanography This course provides students with an in-depth survey of marine systems from a geological perspective. The topics covered will include the configuration of the ocean basins, paleo-oceanography, sea level change, oceanic sedimentary resources as well...
MARS6070 Chemical Oceanography Chemical and biological principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: the physical chemistry of seawater, salinity and the major ions, bio-limiting, bio-intermediate, and bio-unlimiting chemicals, dissolved gases, the DIC system, trace metals, hy...
MARS6080 Physical Oceanography This course provides students with an in-depth survey of marine systems from a physical perspective. Topics include physical and thermodynamic properties of seawater; temperature, salinity and density distributions, ocean heat budget, ocean effect on...
MARS6090 Biological Oceanography This course provides students with an in-depth survey of marine systems from a biological perspective, emphasizing the interactions of organisms with the physical and chemical environment and biogeochemical variability, and introducing key organisms...
MARS6120 Coral Reef Ecology and Conservation Coral reef biology and ecology are broadly covered through lecture and group discussion of primary literature and contemporary issues. Emphasizing Hawaiian reef ecosystems, topics include coral taxonomy, anatomy, reproduction, symbiosis, biogeography...
MARS6200 Scientific Diving I This is the first of a two-course sequence to train students in scientific diving based on guidelines from the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS). The course will cover AAUS training standards including the history and regulations relatin...
MARS6201 Scientific Diving II This is the second of a two-course sequence to train students in scientific diving based on guidelines from the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS). The course will build on the theoretical training from the first course and expands on AAU...
MARS6210 Marine Fisheries and Management This course will address a marine science branch of great relevance to Marine Science (MSMS) and Global Leadership and Sustainability (MAGLSD) students, which has not been part of the HPU curriculum to date. This course will be available to graduate...
MARS6300 Multivariate Applications in Marine Science This hands-on workshop focuses on the application and the interpretation of multivariate analyses commonly used by marine scientists. Lectures and assignments emphasize the conceptual understanding and the practical use of these methods, with the goa...
MARS6400 Marine Conservation Biology This course provides an overview of the theory and practice of marine conservation. Lectures and assignments emphasize the conceptual foundation and the quantitative tools for the analysis of demography and population trends. Case studies and guest s...
MARS6500 Computational Methods in Marine Science This workshop course exposes students to the diverse computational methods used for the manipulation and analysis of large datasets using statistically robust techniques, such as randomization and bootstrapping. Students will practice these technique...
MARS6600 Geospatial Analysis in Marine Science This workshop course provides an overview of the spatial analysis and associated modeling techniques used in marine science, including metrics of intensity, quantification of spatial form, and surface modelling. Students will implement these analyses...
MARS6910 Current Topics in Marine Science Current topics seminars are designed to expose graduate students to new developments and discoveries in Marine Science by taking advantage of seminars and other educational opportunities inside and outside HPU. While this flexible structure may vary...
MARS6920 Special Topics in Marine Science The specific title, content and pre-requisites for this course will vary with instructor and need in the program. The course may be repeated when the title and content have changed.
MARS6930 Marine Science Guest Speaker Series This is a seminar course for students in the MSMS program designed to expose graduate students to new developments and discoveries in Marine Science by taking advantage of seminars by professionals from inside and outside HPU. In this seminar, studen...
MARS6950 Practicum in Marine Science This course offers MSMS students the opportunity to obtain practical hands-on experience working in a research project or an organizational employment setting. Hosting organizations will provide students with an intellectually challenging task. In tu...
MARS6980 Comprehensive Marine Science Seminar This seminar is designed to prepare MSMS students for a comprehensive examination to test their knowledge of the marine science principles taught in the program's core courses. To this end, students will review key papers and will practice their wrtt...
NSCI1000 Freshman Science Seminar An introduction to all aspects of majoring in College of Natural Sciences degree programs. Students learn how to take responsibility for their academic progress by learning how to plan course schedules and succeed in science courses. Career and gradu...
NSCI2000 "Lessons" for Building Sustainable Communities This course will allow students to develop critical thinking skills in a real world environment. Students will refine these skills by addressing concrete community concerns through hands-on problem solving through the application of a science-based a...
NSCI2100 Biotechnology: Problems and Solutions Biotechnology uses biological principles or products to solve problems or produce valuable commodities. This course will cover the basic scientific principles involved and give non-science majors the knowledge and vocabulary they need to appreciate a...
NSCI3000 Building Sustainable Communities This course will allow students to develop critical thinking skills in a real world environment. Students will have an opportunity to refine these skills by addressing concrete community concerns through hands-on problem solving and the application o...
NSCI3950 Natural Sciences Practicum An introductory research experience for students interested in working on special topics under the direction of a science faculty mentor.
NSCI4800 Field Experiences in Natural Sciences This course facilitates student participation on a scientific research team. Students develop a research project that contributes to a larger internally or externally funded project led by the instructor. Based on the idea that science is best learne...
NSCI6110 Graduate Seminar I Graduate students develop skills and strategies for independent research. Students may attend scientific seminars at HPU or other venues as appropriate and prepare a written and oral presentation of their proposed thesis research. Capstone course.
NSCI6112 Graduate Seminar I This course follows NSCI 6110 Graduate Seminar I. The course is designed to help graduate students plan their thesis research project by writing a detailed proposal outlining their proposed research projects. This will include describing a problem, d...
NSCI6120 Graduate Seminar II - Thesis Presentation MSMS students attend scientific seminars at HPU or other venues as appropriate, evaluate scientific styles, practice presentation techniques, and present a seminar on their completed thesis research. Capstone course.
NSCI6130 Communicating Marine Science This course is designed to give graduate students the skills necessary to communicate foundational scientific concepts and specfic details of their research to diverse audiences in both oral and written format. To this end, students will practice the...
NSCI6450 Teaching Undergraduate Science An introduction to the pedagogy of science teaching, including lesson planning, assesment, technology, an inquiry-based methods. The modern college classroom is high tech, experiential, and flexible, to match the needs of modern students. Engagement...
NSCI6900 Master's Research MSMS students do research towards their thesis under the supervision of a research mentor, contributing to the initial research proposal or to the masters thesis. Variable credits. Capstone course.
NSCI7000 Master's Thesis This course serves as a capstone course for the MSMS program. Students enrolled in this course will work closely with the instructor to improve their scientific writing skills. During this course students will develop a written thesis that describes...
PHYS1000 Physical Science An introductory survey of the major areas of the physical sciences designed to equip students with information that will enable them to make rational, informed decisions about relevant scientific issues. Includes topics in chemistry, physics, geology...
PHYS1020 Astronomy A study of the planets, stars, galaxies and their origins. Students will also learn how telescopes, stellar spectra and other methods of astronomical observation are used in research. Topics include the planets and their moons, the sun, galaxies, bla...
PHYS1030 Introductory Physics A qualitative and quantitative exploration of the major ideas of physics with a discussion of appropriate technological applications for students who need to be scientifically literate in physics but who are not planning careers in science or technol...
PHYS1800 Introduction to Astronomy Physics 1800 is an introductory course in Astronomy, a physical science pertaining to the study of everything above and beyond the Earth's atmosphere. The study of planets, stars, exotic remnants, galactic structure, and cosmological outcomes are amo...
PHYS2030 College Physics I The first semester of an algebra-based study of mechanics, thermodynamics, and wave phenomena with an emphasis on problem solving.
PHYS2031 College Physics I Laboratory Laboratory component of PHYS 2030. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
PHYS2032 College Physics II A continuation of PHYS 2030. Includes electricity and magnetism, optics, and topics in modern physics.
PHYS2033 College Physics II Laboratory Laboratory component of PHYS 2032. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
PHYS2050 General Physics I The first semester of a rigorous, calculus-based study of mechanics, thermodynamics, and wave phenomena with an emphasis on problem solving.
PHYS2051 General Physics I Laboratory Laboratory component of PHYS 2050. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
PHYS2052 General Physics II This course is a continuation of PHYS 2050 covering electricity and magnetism, optics, and topics in modern physics.
PHYS2053 General Physics II Laboratory Laboratory component of PHYS 2052. A $75 lab fee will apply for any in-person sections (excluding Military Campus programs).
PHYS2054 General Physics III - Modern Physics This course is a rigorous, calculus-based study of modern physics. Topics include relativity, wave nature of particles, quantum mechanics, atomic structure, molecules and condensed matter, nuclear physics, particle physics, and cosmology.
PHYS2055 General Physics III Laboratory This course is the calculus-based laboratory component of Modern Physics PHYS 2054. Topics include: Geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, special relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, solid state physics. A $45 lab fee will apply fo...
PHYS2800 General Physics III A rigorous, calculus-based study of modern physics. Topics include relativity, wave nature of particles, quantum mechanics, atomic structure, molecules and condensed matter, nuclear physics, particle physics, and cosmology.
PHYS4950 Physics Practicum No Description Set
PMED2910 PreHealth Professions Seminar I This course is a one credit seminar course designed to explore careers in health care and current issues in the American healthcare system.
PMED3900 Pre-Medical Studies Seminar Seminar for students in health-related fields.
PMED3910 PreHealth Professions Seminar II This course is a one credit seminar designed to prepare students for careers in health care and for applying to a health profession school.
PMED3930 Medical Terminology This one credit course introduces students to medical terminology.
PMED3940 Biomedical Ethics This one credit seminar focuses on the basic principles of ethics and how they relate to medicine and health care. Prerequisite: PMED 2910.
PMED3950 Pre-Medical Studies Practicum Students apply and integrate classroom theory in a research situation under close faculty supervision.
PSGL6000 Sustainable Human Systems Students will learn to think systematically through the study of the systemic structure and values that underlying the modern world view. Alternative, emerging world views focused on sustainable structures will be emphasized. Systems thinking and a s...
PSGL6001 Power and Social Systems This course will focus on the relations between stakeholders' interests, conflict, and power in large organizations and other human social systems. Power models and dynamics in the cultures of nations, communities, corporations, and small groups will...
PSGL6330 Comparative Management Systems National, regional, ethnic, and other influences are common in how we lead and manage. A conceptual framework within which students can access the problems of a changing global environment is provided. Globalization and the universal desire for econo...
PSGL6340 An Environmental History of the Modern World This course examines the impact of human activities on the environmental world that have occurred since the 15th century, with a focus on the 20th and 21st centuries. Historical, institutional, and cultural forces are studies to gain a contextual u...
PSGL6350 Global Markets in Transition An examination of the forces promoting globalization and the development of business in evolving markets. The course focuses on related contemporary managerial issues. Included is the study of market transformations in cases of regional economic inte...
PSGL6360 Global Competition and Strategy A multidisciplinary course focused on the geopolitical realities perceived by the United States and other major and regional powers; the political, economic and cultural environment in which competitive business strategies are formulated; world dilem...
PSGL6500 Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development This course addresses the topic of sustainable development focusing on economics at the interface of nations and the global economy. Students will complete a comprehensive study of the emerging field of ecological economics and contrast/compare it to...